Spending time with mommy and sister

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He wakes up from his one hour nap and his diaper is soaking wet but shocking he hasn't made a mess yet he is surprised as he drunk all the milk from his bottle that had laxatives inside.

When he woke up it was 5pm and he hears his mommy and sister talking,

'Oh sounds like my mommy and my sister are home but not daddy he must be busy at work I'm so glad they all know I'm a baby now so everything will be so great from now on'

He can't make out what they are saying though but he didn't mind and he just wants his mommy.

'Oh I wonder if the babysitter is still here she might be talking to my mommy about how I was today'

'Ugh I wish my mommy would come upstairs and check on me'

As he is thinking this he starts to hears footsteps.

His mommy gets to the bedroom door and she opens it and turns the light on.

"Hi baby did you have a good nap?"

"Yes mommy I had a good nap"

"That's great to hear as the baby sitter said that you were a good boy for her and you didn't give her any trouble well done my baby boy"

"Thank you mommy"

"You are welcome now let's go get you something to eat shall we"

"Yes please mommy" 

"That's good to hear because I got some baby food when I went shopping"

"Baby food really mommy" he says trying not to tear up.

"Don't worry sweetie you can have something else after you finished eating your baby food"

His mommy then picks him up out of his crib and carries him downstairs and places him into his highchair.

"Hi baby bro did you have a good sleep" his twin sister with a smile on her face.

Mia was a couple of minutes older then Andy and she always teases Andy about it, only now she is his actual big sister now as Andy is a baby boy now.

"Yes Mia I did thanks for asking"

"So mom are you going to feed the baby"

"Yes Mia that's what I plan on doing and I'm going feed him Banana puree baby food that I brought for him at the grocery store"

"Oh nice I bet the baby will enjoy that"

"Come on Mia you really think that I will enjoy baby food" he says with a big frown on his face trying not to try.

"Awww don't frown sweetie your sister is just teasing you, come on Mia stop teasing your baby brother"

"Fine I'll stop" she says frowning leaving the kitchen going into the living room.

"Now let's get this baby fed shall we" he kisses him on his forehead and walks over to one of the cupboard and takes out a jar of Banana puree baby food.

"Mommy I could go over to my gfs house after you are done feeding me please"

"Sure baby it's fine with me but i will have to call her mommy to ask if you can go over" as she says this Andy stomach starts gurgling and it seems like the laxatives from earlier are starting to kick in.

"Baby I can hear your stomach gurgling I know you need to go potty I'll feed you after you go potty"

As she is saying this she Andy starts grunting then suddenly a bunch of poop comes rushing out his butt, his mommy notices him messing himself and finishes her sentence"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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