Haunting Dreams

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“Hey, Ophelia.” She heard someone call her. A smile crept on her lips and she turned around to meet the love of her life, Jeremy Maxwell. She ran as fast as she could to meet him. Just as they were about to hug, he suddenly turned to a monster with two horns.

“I don't love you.”

“I hate you, Ophelia Martins.”

“You are nothing but an object I wanted to play with.”

She heard several voices say as she gazed at the monster in front of her. She slowly took steps back. She screamed out and dashed into a race. She was busy running, looking back to see if the monster was still chasing her that she did not realize that there was stone before her. She stumbled on it and fell flat on the floor. She stiffened, unable to move. The monster took slow strides towards her. Saliva dripped down its mouth. She screamed her lungs as it came towards her.

She scrambled, trying to move away from it but she could not. Just as it brought its face towards her.

“Help!!” she yelled out.

She jerked up instantly, sweating profusely and her breath ragging. She was shaking in shock and fear. She looked around and turned on the lamp beside her bed. She reluctantly carried the jug with her shaking hands and poured some water into the cup. She slowly brought it to her lips and she gulped it down in seconds.

She was having a dream. No, a nightmare.

Jeremy haunting her?!

She climbed off her bed and walked towards the exit of her room. She stalked into the living room and sat down on the couch. She turned on the television and started watching the programme.

Slowly, ever slowly, her eyes started closing and she dozed off.

**Next Morning**

Maria stepped out of her room and yawned out sleepily. As she got to the living room, she saw Ophelia sleeping on the couch. She knotted her eyebrows in confusion and walked towards her. She tapped her gently. Ophelia groaned and was about to turn over to the other side when she fell flat on the floor with a thud.

“Ouch!” She writhed out in pain as she rubbed her forehead. Maria chuckled as she watched her. She heard someone chuckle then she looked up to see her mother.

“Mother, you are laughing at me?” She asked with an arched eyebrow. Maria shrugged and walked past her. Ophelia pulled herself up and stretched out. Maria pulled up the curtains and the sunlight seeped in.

“Good morning, mom.” Ophelia greeted as she rubbed her eyes. Maria turned towards her.

“Ophelia, I am about to ask you a simple question and I need a simple answer for it…” Her mom said sternly. Ophelia tilted her head to one side and watched her mom closely.

“And what is that?” she asked.

“What were you doing here? I mean, you sleeping in the living room.” She questioned. Ophelia hesitated and walked to take the remote control from the floor.

“Just needed some fresh air. I was busy watching some TV shows when I dozed off.” She answered dismissively. Maria stared at her with scrutiny.

When did her daughter suddenly became interested in TV shows?

She cleared her throat, she did not want to press the issue further.

Not like she does not know the reason. Like she understands that it is not an easy task to forget one's first love but the way her daughter was taking it is quite surprising. Sometimes, she will be sad. Other times, she would be indifferent. She was just confusing her even more.

MINE, FOREVER Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ