Billionaires Don't Fall in Love: Epilouge

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Six years later

"Shh," Tobias whispered while tapping the younger boy. "We have to be quiet."

"Sorry, daddy." He giggled while holding the small bag behind him. "I'm so excited!"

"Shhh. I think I hear her."

The door knob jiggled before Athena pushed the door open. The younger boy excitedly hopped up and down while dropping the bag.

"Happy birthday mommy!"

"Oh my! Did you do this on your own, my love?" Athena picked the boy up before kissing him on his face.

"I had a little help from daddy."

Athena gazed at the decorations that covered their house.

"It was all his idea. Happy birthday, babe." Tobias kissed Athena.

"Hey! Keep your lips off my mommy." He pouted.

"Oh yeah? How about I put my lips on you." Tobias grabbed the child before kissing him all over his face.

"Okay! Okay!" Storm giggled before hugging his father. "Mommy! I got you a gift."

Tobias placed the child down. He hurried towards the bag before handing it to Athena.

"You didn't have to, baby." Athena smiled.

"Open it!"

She reached into the bag before grabbing the frame.

"It's me, you, and daddy!" He cheered. "I drew it myself."

"It's beautiful! Are you gonna become a painter like mommy?" She questioned. He nodded. Athena pulled him in a hug. "Thank you Storm. I'll hang it in my office."

"Top that, daddy!"

Tobias laughed. "I think you beat me, little guy. Mommy has to get ready for her party. Maybe we can play cops and robbers?"

"Let's go! I'll be the cop!" Storm giggled before running away.

Athena smiled while placing the picture in the bag. She placed it on top of the foyer table. Her phone buzzed.


"Are you excited to party?" Valeria squealed. "I'm so happy."

"I'm very excited." She said. "My glam team is in my beauty room, you still coming over?"

"If I could find my way to that beautiful house of yours."

"I forgot you and Eros haven't visited yet. I'll plan lunch for us and the girls. I'll see you tonight, I miss you lots."

"I miss you too. See you tonight and hopefully Storm."

"Of course, you'll see him. You know he doesn't leave my side."

"Okay. I'm so excited, see you then!"


She slowly walked out towards the backyard. She made a fake gun using her fingers before slowly creeping behind Tobias.

"Did you call for back up baby?" She whispered.

"Yes, mommy!" Storm yelled. "Daddy got away!"

"Not on my watch!" Athena yelled.

"Too bad I'm the biggest criminal in the world!" Tobias yelled before picking up Athena in one arm.

"No!" Storm chuckled before running over.

"Mwahaha!" Tobias laughed before picking up Storm.

"Ahh!" He yelled.

"Okay, okay!" Athena tapped him.

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