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"What happened and where is Athena?" Tobias yelled while pacing back and forth. "Tell me now."

"Lauren said some things and she ran off. I don't know-" Kelsey sobbed. "I ruined everything. It's my fault."

"What did Lauren say, Kelsey?"

Kelsey shook her head.

"What did she say!"

4 days later

Athena sat on the beach with a bottle of wine in one hand. She let the warm breeze move her curls every Which way. Her mind was swarmed with sadness, anger, and confusion.

After the night at Tobias' party, she packed her bags and took the earliest flight to Turk's and Caicos. It may have been impulsive, but she just needed to getaway.

She was hurt.

Of course, she was hurt. Her best friend since birth betrayed her. The one person she thought was in her corner. The whole time she had been helping the enemy.

Athena felt truly alone. She had no one. Yes, she was adored by many, but no one truly cared for her as she thought. She didn't care about her father's doing, as long as she had her best friend, she was okay. Now that was no longer.

She put her head down before weeping. She couldn't understand why life has set so many obstacles. She didn't know why, but she was done.

She had everything, everything but love. What's life without love. Having someone to hold you when you're done. Any kind of love.

Athena didn't have any. The love from a mother, the love from a father, the love from a lover, and now the love from a friend.

She barely even loved herself. But maybe that's all she needed. Self-love.

She stood up from the spot and began tumbling through the sand. She tripped before falling into the sand.

"Shit." She huffed.


The curly-head girl looked up while squinting her eyes.


"What are you doing here? You're practically missing in America. I'll call Tobias."

"No!" She yelled. "Don't tell him where I am. I'm an adult and I can go wherever I please."

"At least let me help you back to your place."

"No! Alright, I'm okay. I'm right there." She pointed towards the hotel. "Throw this away for me please."

She handed him the bottle and placed on her shades before stumbling to the hotel. She headed towards the bar and sat down.

"Tequila. No salt, no lime." Athena ordered.

"Hard Day?" The women questioned.

Athena stared at the wall in front of her while struggling.

"Tequila." The bartender placed down the shot

"Can I order three more of those?" Athena questioned. He nodded before walking back. She quickly took the shot before closing her eyes.

"Drinking isn't the solution."

"Respectfully, please leave me alone. I've had a rough year and I just need some alcohol." Athena huffed.


"No, I'm sorry." Athena held her head. The bartender placed down the shots. "You from America?"


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