chapter 31

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A special mention to someone who's really really close to me, I have grown to love you and care for you so so much my butterfly, as my mama and as a really close friend, I hope you enjoy this chapter Jona-Lea


Gloria POV

I was sitting with my parents in one of the meeting rooms, while vivian kept Bella company as she slept

I really wanted to be with them as well, but one of us needed to talk to them, "we found Isabella's file" My mom says in a whisper

My head jerked up at the mention of that and I looked at my mom with a puzzled look "she's a resident of this kingdom, how did you get her file?"

My parents were rulers of the kingdom 2 kingdoms South of ours, my oldest sister along with her husband are the rulers now

"She used to be a part of our kingdom till the age of 8 and then she came here" My dad said

I watched as my mom got teary eyed and pulled out a brown file from beside her, "I was telling your sister about her the other day and she sent over this file"

"Mom, what's the matter?" I asked softly as tears started to roll down her cheeks and she wiped them away with her hankie

"She was hurt baby, someone hurt her too bad" My dad said softly keeping the file on the table and nudging it towards me

"She was hurt so bad that her parents gave her up, that's when the people you know as her parents took her, they were out there for vacation and officially changed her name before they came back to your kingdom and gave the little angel the love and attention she deserves" Mom said in between her tears

I barely managed to give a small nod to both my parents, before reaching for the file, they got up as they saw me do that, wanting to give me the privacy of reading it alone, my dad kissed my head gently and my mom kissed my cheek rubbing her thumb over my chin just like she used to when I was little

I opened the file and I was met with a picture of little Bella, she couldn't be any older than 7 but her hands and legs were badly bruised and she was sitting in a hospital bed hooked up to machines, looking even smaller if that was possible

There were hospital reports attached to the file 'bruised rib, malnutrition, bruised ankle and wrist, sexual assault' the last one made me hitch a breath and close my eyes Forcefully to stop those tears from falling

The next report was from 4 months where it said, she had been left at the gate of the hospital with a note that said they can't do it anymore, with Bella barely wearing a night gown and a wet pull up

I read the final incident report, where it said she was kidnapped from her house garden at the age of 7 and the abductors kept her for a whole year, before she was returned, her parents were happy to see her, but they had given up on ever finding her alive, so it was a huge shock to them when she came back and they couldn't cope up with it so they gave her up

Her own family gave up on her.... What the actual fuck, I read further and it said a couple Christine and Helene found her and took her in and took care of her

They were citizens of the other kingdom which is why all documents were officially changed and then transferred to our kingdom but there were nothing important to see from here

I let my tears flow freely as a shut the file and placed it on the table, I don't know how long it took but I soft knock bought me out of my trance and made me look up with still tears in my eyes

The door opened and vivian entered with Bella tucked safely in her arms and it made me break out into a fresh set of tears "hey love, what happened? What's wrong?" Vivian asked worriedly

Vivian POV

I knocked softly on the meeting room where Gloria was supposed to be, she said it shouldn't last too long as her parents only wanted to discuss something.... They actually called us both but I didn't want to leave Bella alone

"Love, what's the matter" I asked again softly, sitting down beside her, she only pointed to the brown file and gently pulled Bella into her lap Cuddling her and holding her close

The moment I opened the file it all started to make sense, when I saw the beaten up picture of my baby girl

"S-she... They" I mumbled to myself, not knowing how else to make sense of it, her being scared of loud men, alcohol and her reaction to loud noises

It may also explain how she developed her little space, to cope up with everything that happened to her. Thankfully the family that took her in after the incident took care of her well and treated her like she deserved

I can't thank them enough...   "Where did you get this?" I asked softly, sitting beside them, Bella was trying her to best to make Gloria feel better

"Momma, no cwry, it otay" Bella whispered to Gloria making her smile through her tears and cuddle her close, I sat beside both of them and hugged both of them close to me

"I love you so so much my baby girl" I said softly, watching as Gloria nodded in agreement and kissed Bella's head

"My parents gave it to me, can we talk about it later? I just want to be with both of you for now" Gloria said, her voice a little hoarse

I nodded and held both of them gently "I'm here my girls" I whispered as I held them close

Next chapter will be a bit more deep into Bella's past and lots of comfort and fluff... 

I had been thinking about Mentioning Bella's past for a while but I feel like the timing is right, this time

Stay tuned for the next chapter!! And I hope you guys enjoyed this one!

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