chapter 1

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*** somewhere in the town ***

Isabella Pov

I walked out of the book store, trying to hold the bag steady, it was heavy... Of course it was it had 14 books inside it, but it's not my fault I couldn't help it, they all wanted to be taken back home and I couldn't just buy 10 and leave the other 4, that would be unfair.

All of a sudden the wind was knocked out of me and I fell my butt first in the side walk, without warning tears sprung to my eye and I was trying my hardest to keep them at bay, but I couldn't help it! That fall hurt "oh I'm so sorry little one! Are you alright?" I heard a buff voice say, pulling me out of my train of thought and making me look up at the tall guy who had bumped into me.

His face looked guilty and there was a little boy clinging to his arm hiding behind it, he would have been a couple of years younger than me "papa you made her fall!" He exclaimed out of a sudden, reminding me again of the stinging pain in my backside "hold on Dan, papa's trying to make sure she's alright" I heard him say to the little boy in a hushed voice but his tone was stern.

So this guy was the little boys caregiver.... It's not uncommon in this town to have littles and caregivers roaming around freely, there are rules however, if you're a little no matter what the age you need to be either with a caregiver or in a care house, basically a place where they're taken care of and not taken advantage of, I'm a little...

But I'm trying hard to forget about that side of me, I don't need to regress, I'm perfectly fine the way I am being an adult "is your caregiver nearby hun? Someone you're here with?" I was once again snapped our of my thoughts by the tall guy's voice asking me a question, too anxious to give him a verbal reply I simply shook my head 'no' I see him let out a sigh of relief and nod.

"where do you live? With you're caregiver or a care house, let me take you back at least" He said softly now crouching down in front of me, I shook my head 'no' again, moving back a little "I'll be okay" I whispered out, my voice wasn't enough to convince him, it was evident on his face "let me at least take you home, it's the least I can do.

I bet you're caregiver is worried.. " He tried again his tone was much softer than before, and I hesitantly nodded towards him "thank you hun" He said softly offering me his hand to hold so I could get up,  I hesitantly took it and got up wobbling a little at first but then settled myself "I live alone I can manage" I said slowly once I stood properly and looked up at him "you live alone? A little girl like you shouldn't live alone hun" He said in a whisper looking at me with concern.

He spotted a guard nearby and I could faintly hear him call him over as I picked up all my books "you live alone?" The guard asked as he approached me "yes, and I have for a while so please leave it at that" I said a little louder trying to sound hard and firm "I can tell you're a little honey, there's no need to be ashamed of it, why don't I take you to the castle and maybe we can decide what to do?"

He offered to me, crouching down just like that man had been doing before and I hesitantly nodded, I was fine living alone, I had for a while, but a trip to thr castle sounded really fun and maybe I could actually go home to someone.

I've heard caregivers been appointed to littles before if the Queen's see them in a special situation "let's get going then little one" The guard said taking hold of my hand gently and walking towards a big looking car, it was dark blue and had the Royal emblem on the hood of the car, I carefully steped into the car with a little bit of help from the guard, the car was too high for me to climb into, once I was settled in my seat and all buckled up the guard looked at me with a small smile.

"all set?" He asked me gently, I think he could feel my anxiety rising, after giving him a firm nod he said something to the driver and shut the door and we made our way towards the castle, now sitting all alone.

I could feel my anxiety rising, what if I'm scolded for hiding that I'm a little? What if the queens are really mean to me? Although the possibility of that happening is close to zero because from what I've heard from everyone both of them are super super nice, Queen Vivian and Queen Gloria are both caregivers but they don't have a little yet, it's a little strange though, but it makes sense they won't just take anyone as their little, who's gonna be the princess of the kingdom.

"oh I'm sorry I forgot to ask sweetheart, what's your name? Are you all comfy back there?" The driver asked me all of a sudden breaking me from my chain of thoughts and nodding softly "I'm Isabella" I replied back after a second and he gave me a small smile through the rear view mirror telling me that he heard me, as the castle came more into view I was starting to feel nervous again and then we stopped in front of the gate for a minute the driver saying something to the guard for a minute who looked at me for a second and then let us pass through.

He stopped the car at a huge gate, which i'm assuming was the entrance for the caste and two guards who were standing there opened the door and one of them helped me out, it was my first time seeing the castle up close and I couldn't help but look around in awe "come on little one, the Queen's are waiting for you in the throne room" He pulled me out of my thoughts and all those thoughts from before came back again with full force.

I was a little hesitant but I nodded and followed them slightly trailing behind, admirimg all the pretty pictures I saw in the hallway they were just too pretty not to look at! Sooner that I could blink, big double doors were opened, each guard holding one of door and one of them nodded at me I started walking forward, my eyes looking at the carpet under my shoes, not daring to look up at the highnesses.

"hello there little one, look up honey" One of them said, I don't know which queen spoke, but her voice held authority but it was soft and warm at the same time and I found myself looking up hesitantly, not wanting to make a bad first impression or anger them.

Here is the first chapter! This idea came to me a couple of weeks ago, let me know what you think about it?

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