chapter 29

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Bella POV

Momma held me close to her and mama still had Aunt Megan in her arms who snugged more into mama when she saw me looking at her

I huffed slightly and nuzzles into momma's chest, tugging at her dress gently, making her look down at me with a small smile

"Yes little angel, what do you want baby?" I tugged on her dress a little more hoping momma would get the message

"Milky" I mumbled softly, hoping momma would understand "you want your baba sweet girl?" Mama asked softly

Nonna stepped in and took Aunt megan from mama's arms, making me turn away and shake my head "momma's milky"

"Why don't you go and settle her down love, I'll talk to my mom real quick and come" Mama told momma

I nuzzled further into momma, more than happy to get out of this room and peeked out once we were out in the hallway

"So what's up with ignoring mama hmm?" Momma asked softly as she helped me change into comfy shorts and a t shirt with starts and space and astronaut

"So what's up with ignoring mama hmm?" Momma asked softly as she helped me change into comfy shorts and a t shirt with starts and space and astronaut

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Also helping me change out of my wet pull up into a diaper, "mama mine" I said in a whisper

I knew I was being a little bit winey and bratty, but this was the first time, I got to have my own mama and momma and I really really didn't wanna share them

And I guess watching my mama snuggle someone else made me a little jealous.... Even if it was mama's sissy

"She's just your mama sweetheart, aunt Megan wanted some comfort from her sister, that's why mama was holding her, you don't want aunt Meg to be sad do you?" Momma asked softly sitting on her bed, resting against the bed rest

"Want your milky now baby love?" Momma asked once I nodded listening to what momma said "milky"

"Yes darling you're get your milky" Momma said softly tugging down the front of her dress and a different kinda bra that just opened up somehow making me smile

I eagerly latched on, momma helped me get a better latch and I sucked softly, getting smaller and smaller

This was probably the second time I'm feeling this small in like forever "is that yummy huh love?

Momma asked softly wiping the corner of my lips

Vivian POV

The look on Bella's face when she saw me holding Megan...  I could tell, it bothered her... Even if she was too shy to express those feelings

She definitely slipped a lot younger than usual, the way she kept tugging at Gloria's dress and mumbling milk

She seemed a little upset when I mentioned her bottle, she clearly just wanted her momma and thr fact that I was holding Megan didn't help, but I had no other option

"What's going on vivian? What's wrong with Megan?" My mom asked in an urgent tone, gently taking Megan from my arms and holding her close

Just the look on her face, when Meg cuddled close to her was of complete content and I've never seen both of them happier....

"She's a flip, she was scared to tell you" I said briefly, watching as ten different emotions washed over my mom's face

"S-she is?" My mom asked in a whisper, holding her even closer if possible, and kissed her head gently a look of pure joy overcoming her face

"My little girl" My mom whispered, holding her close "She was worried you were gonna be upset over that fact"

I said watching with a small smile as my mom's eyes glossed up "I can never be upset at either of you, and I'm really proud of both of you how far you have come"

"I think you should have a nice talk with her, there are sippy cups and paci's and bottles in the kitchen if you want" I said with a smile watching as my dad cooed over Megan

"We will sweetheart, thank you. Do you want to check up on them?" Mom asked, and I nodded eagerly

"She didn't seem to happy about me holding Megan, I might have some making up I need to do" I whispered with a small chuckle and left

I gently opened the door and peeked inside, Bella was laying on Gloria's lap, gently nursing and Ted was tucked close to her

"She's okay?" I whispered softly entering fully and sitting beside them, moving some hair away from her forehead and kissing it gently

"She was a little jealous of you holding Megan, but we talked about it, it's fine now, she just wanted her mama" Gloria whispered softly

"I'm only your mama baby, only yours" I said softly pulling her into my arms and cuddling her, smiling softly as she cuddled close

My baby girl, just mine

It's a slightly smaller update because I have a really important test coming up.... I hope you guys enjoy it

As usual gimme your views in the comments and like if you enjoyed this


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