The Rabbit

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No One's POV

(Y/N) was sitting in class as he paid close attention to what the teacher was saying as he took detailed notes. When class ended he headed into the hallway as he was ready to go home. As he was walking he felt somebody bump into him, to be followed by the sound of someone hitting the ground along with their books. He looked down to see a short girl with rabbit ears. She had long hair split into twin tails as her hair was split between two different colors. On the left side of her hair and left ear was lightly blonde, while the right side of her hair and right ear was bright pink. She was wearing a school sweatshirt as she was also wearing a wide and long skirt.

(Y/N) saw that her books were scattered all over the floor, so he beant down to try and help her. Meanwhile the rabbit girl was recollecting herself as she rubbed her head, 'Did I walk into a brick wall?' She picked up the book next to her to notice a shadow over her. She looked up to see (Y/N) coming down towards her to look into his fierce (E/C) eyes, which sent chills down her spine. She saw his black hair and wolf ears, his (S/C), his broad shouldrs, and his black furred tail that she could from the gap between his legs. She became scared as she started shaking for someone to get in-between her and (Y/N). It was her sister, as she had purple hair, rabbit ears, was quite taller than her, and was wearing a normal school uniform. Her sister was facing her as she quickly picked up the books, helped her sister up, and walked away with her.

(Y/N) watched the two walk away a little confused. He then saw a flyer that caught his interest as he continued on his way to make it back home at an apartment complex. He walked in to be met with silence. He went to his room and started working on his homework until it was 5:00pm. The young man put everything aside as he went into the kitchen as he put on an apron. He looked through the pantries and refrigerator to see what he could find to make a good dinner. He soon started making Okonomiyaki to hear the door open. He looked up to see his aunt walk through the door. (Look at the picture up above). She smelled the air to let out a happy sigh, "That smells delicious." She walked into the kitchen for her nephew to continue cooking, "Welcome home Aunt Lina. Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes." "Well then Im going to take a shower."

(Y/N) continued cooking to finish when his aunt had finished her shower and got dressed in comfy clothes. (Y/N) set the table to make two plates of food as well. The two sat at the table to eat for Lina to start a conversation, "So how was school?" "It was fine. I did bump into someone by accident though. She fell and dropped all of her books, so I tried to help. But when I did another girl helped her pretty quickly and then they both left." "You really need to start watching where you're going." "I know."

Meanwhile the rabbit girl was at her parents' house in her room. She was trying to do homework, but she was having a lot of trouble as her brain started to hurt. After a while she walked out of her room to hear her three younger siblings playing around the house. She knocked on her oldest siblings door, her older brother. Her brother opened his door, "What do you need Eclair?" Eclair whined as she looked up at him, "My homework is to hard for me. Help me with it pleeeease." "I have homework to do myself. Sorry." He closed the door as Eclair was about to say something else. Eclair pouted to go to her older sister's room, but she got no response. So she went to the kitchen to see her getting a snack, "Hey sweet sister. Can you help me with my homework?"

Eclair's sister laughed as she ate some chips, "Hah! I can't even do my own homework." Eclair went to grab a snack as well as she sighed, "I'm doomed with all of these new assignments." Her sister leaned against the counter, "School just started again. How are you already having this much trouble?" "Eleventh grade is hard alright!" "Well if you want to pass with decent grades then why not get a tutor. I'm sure that mom and dad can pay for it." Eclair bit into a chocolate bar, "I'll ask them to see if they can find someone. I just hope that they're not a creep." Meanwhile (Y/N) and his aunt were washing the dishes for (Y/N)'s ears to perk up as he had remembered something. He went into his room to come back with the flyer that he had gotten from school. His aunt took it, "Tutoring? Why do you wanna tutor someone?" "Well if someone picks me then they pay me every hour. And we could really use the money." Lina shrugged to set the flyer down, "Well I don't see any harm in it. Knock yourself out." She then put the last dish away to walk past (Y/N), "Alright, now let's go watch some TV."

A Few Days Later

(Y/N) was at school as he was going through his regular routine, except today was his first day of tutoring someone. At the end of school he headed to the school library to meet up with the person that he would be meeting. He made it to the library to only see one other person there, as it was the rabbit girl from a few days ago. She had her back to him as she had laid out all of the homework she needed help with. (Y/N) tapped her shoulder for Eclair to turn around to look up and see (Y/N) again. She lightly shook in fear once more as she clung to her chair, "P- Please don't hurt me." (Y/N) tilted his head as he raised an eyebrow, "Hurt you? Why would I do that?" Eclair stopped shaking to also become confused, "Huh?"

Rabbit Girl X Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora