Chapter 20: Cosmic Fury

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(Captain Marvel is seen flying over New York while Kid Arachnid swings his web, and then they land in a rooftop.)

K. Arachnid: Where should we start? (Captain Marvel is in awe) Carol? We don't have much time!

Captain Marvel: Batman's strategy is all wrong. Delaying our offense is pointless! It's one less hour before Brainiac sends us all to hell. Saving these people could doom BILLIONS more!

K. Arachnid: I can see the people down there...ALL of them. They're afraid, like I was when I didn't have those powers. And I look at us and just think... we can give them hope!

(Captain Marvel lightly shakes her head, thinking this is hopeless. Down on the streets, more people are being gathered by robots. As one of them pushes a police officer to go faster, Captain Marvel swoops down and grabs it. Everyone is confused.)

Captain Marvel: Up here!

(Everyone looks up to see Captain Marvel and Kid Arachnid holding the robot up. Captain Marvel crushes the robot's head and drops it. The other robots fire lasers at the two super-powered beings but they dodge them easily. Captain Marvel lands and blasts through the other robots, using her powers to damage them before the kill. Kid Arachnid joins the fight when Captain Marvel starts to get overwhelmed. When all the robot are down, the heroes look over at the humans... who run away at the sight of them.)

Kid Arachnid: Why are they so afraid of us?

(Carol simply remains indifferent. Suddenly, a powerful blast hits Kid Arachnid dead-on and blasts him back a fair ways, stunning him. The blast comes from Moonstone.)

Captain Marvel: Karla!

Moonstone: Welcome back, Carol!

(Captain Marvel rushes at Moonstone, who fires, striking Carol and sending her into a bar called the Ace O' Clubs. Captain Marvel groans as she gets up. The barkeep holds a shotgun at Captain Marvel... then turns when he hears someone at the door. The door handle jiggles... and then freezes... along with the entire door! The door explodes and the barkeep hides.)


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(Suddenly, an evil Humungosaur charges at Carol and pins her down, punching her face hard several times. In walks Charmcaster, ready to cast a spell.)

Charmcaster: Your heart is so cold, Captain Marvel. Let's put you on ice!

(The evil Humungosaur jumps to Carmcaster's side and detransforms, revealing to be Albedo. Captain Marvel gets to her feet. Charmcaster blasts her, but she shoots a blast of her own, and overpowers Charmcaster as the impact shoves Albedo off.)

Charmcaster: Nice rope-a-dope.

Captain Marvel: Give up your code of honor, Hope? Why lower yourself to work with Otto?

Charmcaster: You're not so pure, Carol. "executed" Hex! He was my uncle, my family!

Captain Marvel: An uncle who led YOU into a life of crime! HE paid for HIS mistakes! And now, so will you!

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