Chapter 15: The Brave and The Bold

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(On the BatJet, Spoiler and Red Robin are being debriefed by Bruce Wayne over a video screen in the cockpit. Harley is flying.)

Bruce: Our best chance to stop Octavius is a preemptive strike.

Red Robin: Sounds more military than vigilante. You try calling the Army?

Bruce: There IS no Army...not yet. To break up the Regime, we had to start from the ground up.

Red Robin: So... what? Us three extradite Octavius from under his entire robotic army?!

Bruce: Otto is their Alpha. Take him down and the robots will submit. But be wary of running into other members of the Society. They're more coordinated than we knew.

Spoiler: Next stop, OCKCORP.

Red Robin: Guess I'd better call the sitter. Mommy and Daddy are coming home late.

(gets up and goes to the back of the let to make the call)

Bruce: If... this is more than you and Tim are comfortable with, Stephanie, I'll have Sub-Zero and Scorpion take over.

Spoiker: No. We can do this.

Bruce: You've been out of the fight a long time. You have a family.

Spoiler: You're family, too, Bruce. I couldn't be there to finish the fight against Spider-Man. I'm DAMN sure finishing THIS one.

(Later, in OCKCORP, a sort of "pep rally" has been assembled amid the employees there. The trio of heroes sneak behind them to watch. Doctor Octopus marches up some steps to the stage like he's Patton... and the crowd goes silent as he approaches them.)

Octopus: OCKCORP, our time has come! In a few short hours, we break the yoke of oppression

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Octopus: OCKCORP, our time has come! In a few short hours, we break the yoke of oppression... forever! NO more Regime! NO more Justice Champions! Today, the world welcomes its NEW masters: the SOCIETY!


(Then the Society members flank Octopus. To his right are Mysterio, Bullseye, Bane and Moonstone. On his left are Poison Ivy, Charmcaster and Catwoman.)

Octopus: Today, we show the world that WE are superior! Today, we bring anyone who would DARE stand against us... TO... THEIR... KNEES!

(The crowd raise their guns and cheer as they get psyched. The trio is concerned.)

Red Robin: Self-esteem...not that guy's problem.

Harley: That's a lot more than a few Society members... it's ALL of 'em!

Spoiler: They're headed indoors, outta sight from the soldiers. Harley, keep the jet warm. When we signal, bail us out.

(Harley winks and heads for the jet)

(As the Society walks-and-talks...)

Catwoman: Laid it on a little think, Octavius. You hire Spider-Man's speech writer?

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