Chapter 16: Invasion

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(At Latveria Climate Research Station, an old man, namely Max Tennyson is seen soldering a radio together. Into the room, carrying a mug of coffee, is his grandson Ben Tennyson.)

Ben: Need a hand, Grandpa?

Max: I don't know, Ben. Sat link's out, internet and phone are down. Maybe this old ham can help us. You fitting in okay? People treating you well?

Ben: Let's just say people here aren't thrilled to live in close quarters with Ben 10, convicted Regime criminal.

Max: PARDONED Regime criminal. Give it time. They'll come around. (turns on the ham radio, adjusts some dials and speaks into the microphone) L-W Base, are you there?

Rook: Max Tennyson?! Thank God! Comms're down everywhere! These spaceships showed up, dropping a robot army on the city! They're killing everyone! (Barry approaches the radio to listen better) I'm not sure how long we can...(static)

Max: L-W Base! (no reply) How fast can you get to New York?

Ben: M-My pardon agreement was pretty clear on "no powers"!

Max: You think that matters when aliens are invading?! You helped tear down the Regime, Ben. THAT'S why Mr. Wayne asked me to take you in. And, if BATMAN thinks you earned a second chance, who are YOU to argue?

(He's right; Ben can't. In the blink of an eye, he activates his Omnitrix.)

Ben: It's hero time!

(Ben becomes XLR8 and sprints as fast as possible to New York. In the city, people are being rounded up by the Betas and scanned. Any resisters are vaporized. When one is deemed worthy enough, the Beta reaches out and grabs their head, ready to be "collected". One such man is about to be digitized... when Ben 10 comes and punches it into scrap metal. He does the same to other Betas in the are. Up in his ship, Kang watches this spectacle. Doctor Octopus, sans handcuffs, approaches him.)

Kang: As predicted, Ben Tennyson has returned to action.

Dr. Octopus: The task force is ready. They'll enjoy this.

(As Ben 10 (still as XLR8) runs to a metro station, Bullseye picks up a kunai and throws it at Ben. True to his name, Bullseye gets Ben right in the knee, causing him to stumble crash at the station. As he struggles to get up, Charmcaster approaches him.)

Charmcaster: Nice shot, Bullseye.

Bullseye: (over radio) Just get the job done.

Charmcaster: If I were you I'd pray for the Omnitrix to not be out of juice.

(Charmcaster chants a spell to trap Ben's legs in ice.)

Ben 10 (XLR8): For God's sake, Charmcaster. Look around.

Charmcaster: Yeah, crazy day. Kinda like when Spider-Man went nuts...and you went right along with him.

Ben 10 (XLR8): Punish me later! We have to help these innocent people!

Charmcaster: The same "innocent people" who cheered Superman when he executed my friends?! My UNCLE?!?

Ben 10 (XLR8): I'm sorry, Charmcaster. But you never hurt civilians. You're BETTER than that! (stands as his knee thaws)

Charmcaster: (throws Ben aside) Once upon a time, I was.

(Hindered by Bullseye and Charmcaster, Ben starts having clear disadvantage, but eventually he manages to overpower Charmcaster's magic tricks.)

Ben 10: (reverts back to normal) Guess we BOTH let each other down. (runs off)

(Meanwhile at OCKCORP, Catwoman is leading the robots in bringing the newly-awake Harley Quinn somewhere. Catwoman calls a halt... then winks at Harley as she slices her handcuffs off. Harley grabs a club and beats on the robots while Catwoman whips the others into shape. Soon, all the robots are on the floor.)

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