23~They need all the prayers they can get

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The sound of a vehicle grabbed their attention.

Peter swallowed hard. "Is it just me or anyone else scared at the sound of a car?"

"It's just you," Janessa joked, trying to keep the mood light. "You're probably also afraid of kittens and bunnies."

"Not funny."

Dean tossed an arm around his girl. "It was funny."

Rose stepped closer to Mark, whose shoulders relaxed with relief. "It's probably Leo and Grace."

Colton hooked a finger on the curtain, pulled it back, and looked outside. "It's a white, serial killer van."

Dean's brows shot up, and he stepped up to check it out. "What's a serial killer van?"

"You know, in movies, serial killers always drive white vans."

"Guess you were expecting a swanky little sports car." Sarcasm lined the words. "It's Leo and Grace," Dean tossed over his shoulder.

"They're back!" Janessa breathed with relief as Leo stepped through the door followed by Grace. She didn't hesitate before hugging him and then Grace.

More greetings, hugs, and handshakes followed like a true family reunion which is sort of what their group had become.

Dean smacked Leo's back. "What took you kids so long?"

"We stopped for more food and paid the rest of the week on the cabin." Something in Leo's voice set them on edge.

Mark nodded, slowly, his gaze flicking to Leo's. "Guess you heard from John?"

"Yeah." Leo's answer was slow, quiet. His gaze met each of theirs. "We're laying low for a while."


"How are our parents taking that?" Colton asked carefully, almost like he was afraid of the answer.

Worry was plain on Rose's face. "My mom has probably called the police. Maybe even the governor."

"More like a SWAT team."

"Whoever has Archer's phone couldn't explain another mysterious few days," Colton agreed.

Dean gripped his temple. "I don't know. They're used to old Archie's spur-of-the-moment adventures."

Another pause while they soaked it in.

Mark's gaze met Grace's, and she gave a slight shake of her head. He frowned.

Leo watched the exchange with concern. Ever since they'd spoken to John, and he'd told them they would have to hide a few more days while John found out who was after them, Grace had been strangely quiet.

He turned to her now, but she seemed to be avoiding his gaze. As much as he wanted to discover what was wrong, the others were waiting for some explanation.

Leo searched for words and finally told them, "You can turn on the news and see for yourselves."

"We're on the news?" Rose looked puzzled.

Janessa's lips parted. "That can't be good."

"It's bad, really bad."

Gathering around the TV, they flipped a couple of channels before they paused in shock when they saw their own faces. The screen was filled with their yearbook pictures.

Rose's lips parted. "Oh. My. Goodness. That's us!"

"Turn it up!" Colton shouted.

Abigail Lightfoot's solemn face filled the screen. "If you're just tuning in, the entire community has been rocked by this devastating tragedy. We've just learned that seven high school kids have died in an explosion inside the small town of Apple Rapids."

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