9~It is impossible to please God without faith

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"Why are we hiding?" Rose's voice echoed in the chilly, dank cave. "They might be coming to rescue us."

Hope flickered in Janessa's eyes. "Maybe the helicopter was the answer to the prayer."

Mark shook his head. "I don't think so. We need to wait until it passes."

Seeming discouraged, Peter threw him a skeptical look. "Even you don't believe God heard your SOS."

"God heard." Mark's steady gaze locked with Peter's. "I just don't think this—" He jerked his thumb toward the cave's entrance "is the answer. It's too easy."

"No one will miss us for at least another hour." Leo's voice was calm, his expression stoic. "Unless anyone got a call to their families to go through, but I doubt that happened."

A chorus of no's and head shakes followed.

"I tried," Rose said. "But the service out here is unpredictable at best."

"Even if it goes through the call drops." Mark threw her a smile. "At least you tried."

"We all tried." Dean's tone was resigned.

"So we're going to just sit here and wait on the big guy upstairs to swoop down and save us?" Colton asked with a bitter laugh.

Leo turned his head. "You complain a lot but I don't hear any suggestions. Tell us your plan."

"I set up a meeting in Apple Rapids!"

Grace jumped at the force of the words and clasped her hands together. Her gaze shifted to Mark's and he gave her an encouraging smile. She felt Leo watching the exchange.

"No one dissed your plan," Dean shot back. "You heard the dudes with guns. They're waiting for us to escape."

"Never realized you were a coward, Bradshaw!"

"I never thought you were this big an idiot!"

Tension sizzled, heating the interior of the cave.

Peter released a heavy sigh. "He has a point. We can't hide here forever."

"No, we can't and no one suggested that." Leo enunciated each word carefully as if speaking to people slow in understanding. "We're trying to save alive now."

"So there is a plan?" Colton persisted.

Dean and Leo traded a look, making it clear they were united on this issue. "With the road blocked the only way out of here is on foot."

Peter's eyes closed. "You don't think professional killers know that?"

"They won't expect a bunch of teenagers to take on the challenge."

"Probably, true," Peter conceded. "Because it's a stupid idea! We could die of heat stroke, thirst, starvation, and let's not forget the wild animals." He turned to Mark. "God going to protect us from all that?"

"God will go with us." Mark didn't hesitate, refusing to take the bait.

"C'mon girls," Colton pleaded. "Think about this. Are you ready to follow Davy Crockett, Homecoming King, and Moses into the wild?"

"Yes." Grace's answer was sure and swift. Colton rolled his eyes as if to say her vote didn't count.

Janessa folded her hands together. "I don't think we have another choice."

"We can't stay here," Rose agreed, but she didn't seem thrilled with the plan.

"Yet here we hide." Colton's voice was soft with derision, and he lifted his arms to gesture around the cavern.

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