Chapter 32

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I walk around the bottom floor of the gallery I am expected to walk around. And I do. Except I didn't think galleries were this boring.

The quietness, the low murmur of people. It's getting on my nerves so I walk around, trying to find an escape only to end in some hallway through a door I don't think I should have even went through.

I see spiral stairs lead up somewhere and I am about to find out where.

I take each step up the marble stairs with the black railing, my heels clicking on the floor as I hold my black silk dress in my hand.

I can't seem to let black go despite the heat being extreme here.

Maybe because it gives me a sense of familiarity when everything in my life changed.

I take deep breaths in and out trying to control myself. It's been a week and I haven't seen Arius or even heard from him and it's making me lose hope all over.

Did I even have any hope left?

Was that moment even real or was it just my imagination?

Soon enough, I reach the top and realise there is a door to my right, could it be the terrace? I turn the handle down and open it to reveal a vacant rooftop.

There is nothing here and the heat makes my back start to burn.

Definitely a bad idea for black today.

I walk closer to the wall and watching the city in front of me. A busy city with busy people but here I am feeling so tired with everyone around me.

The wind blows, my hair flickering in front of my face and I sweep them back, tucking them behind my ear. I close my eyes hoping for some peace.

The hair on the back of my neck stand up in awareness, my spine tingles and I stiffen knowing someone is here. Someone is behind me.

There is one crunch of step before I feel a feathery touch on my arm.

I don't move and keep my reflexes at bay.

I know it's him. I can smell him. I can feel him.

How can I forget something so significant in my life? Something so big?

How can I forget his touch and the way he feels against me?

The heat from his body radiates off on me, somehow he still feels warmer than anything and still my heart beats for him till this day.

"Turn around," he whispers making me suck in a sharp breath.

Am I ready to face him? Am I ready for it at all?

I turn around and not pay mind to any of my thoughts. If he thinks I will easily forgive him then he is wrong.

Only, I find him in front of me on his knees. His head is lowered but his eyes stay on me. Those dark irises watch me, the danger in them lurking behind them. The inky colour familiar to the nights I compared them to. His hair tied at the base of his neck, the tattoo of Rose still on the side of his neck and that brings me tears.

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