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"Enzo sir?"
"Your father would request your presence.."

  The door opened slowly, entering the dark room of his own dad's office. Father? More like an asshole of a boss Enzo thought silently to himself.

"You do realize that you will be the next in charge of this family, yes?" His father pointed out.

"Yes..." Enzo softly responded with a short nod.

"That being said... As my son, you shall start really dipping your toes into this work."

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to understand what your dealing with. That being said, you will start taking jobs under me like everyone else until you show me your ready." Enzo's dad stated, not even glancing up to him while writing on a document.

"But I have no idea what's out there? You've kept me locked in all your life?? What am I supposed to do? I can't fight that good!" His expression formed into concern.

"That is why this is a learning experience. You will do as your told. I will have Lennox by your side at all times and a few others you can talk to." He mentioned flipping through pages.

Enzo clenched his fists, while taking a few deep breaths. Without a goodbye, he walked out of the office.

"Sir Enzo- wait for me-" Lennox tried to walk after him, after standing by the doorway.

"Quit the formalities Lennox. We've known each other sense we were kids.."

"Yes, I apologize. But isn't this good you are finally getting out? You will be able to experience the life you wanted."

"Save it. We all know that I'll be too caught up doing my father's dirty work to even think twice about doing something I want." Enzo's face scrunched up in annoyance. Lennox stepped in front of Enzo, cutting him off.

"Listen, I get it will be hard... But I have your back. I promised to protect you." Lennox grabbed his shoulders, making sure to keep his gaze. "We will get through this."

"Fine... I just don't agree with my father's values.  I want to live life for myself." Enzo responds.

"Hey- who said you'd have to do everything your father said." He whispered with a slight smirk. Enzo smiled softly back. Maybe it won't be as bad as he thought.

Enzo sat in his room that night thinking about what his own father and Lennox had said to him. He wanted to go experience things.. Just not like that. Enzo had wondered when he would start working, but it didn't take long for Lennox to give him an answer.

"Enzo, I was requested to come get you. We are supposedly looking for a man with the name of William Bentley at club Starlight."

"Huh-! Now?? Why-?" He stood up.

"Well you need to be prepared for the unexpected. Now hurry and change into something neater before we get in trouble."

"What the hell-! Who is this guy? And what even is club Starlight? Enzo ran over to his giant closet full of designer clothing.

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