Chapter 22

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When the inspectors got to Zainab's house, they took pictures of the food and the broken glass cup of Hollandia yogurt, still lying on the floor. They checked all the rooms for any other evidence and found the letter on the table in her room and also took a picture.


Hours Later

In the police station...

"We carried out our investigation and discovered that you killed Zainab Akorede... Is that right?"

"What?! Who is Zainab Akorede?" He denied.

The police officer laughed at him for a while and suddenly stared at his face like an angry lion. It looked as if Sahil had just stepped on his tail with the look on his face.

"We already know who you are, so there's no point in pretending, Mr. Man. In fact, my boss knows about every single step you've carried. The good thing is that her elder brother, who is the commissioner of police in south-Africa, is ready to get justice for his sister, no matter the cost!"

"Ahhh!!! I didn't poison her o... I just wrote that letter to breakup with her!" He started crying, hoping he would pity him and set him free.

"Let me tell you something. No one can help you out of here, even God. You drugged, raped and poisoned an innocent lady all because you want to enjoy life? I promise... you'll enjoy hell for the rest of your life." He assured and signalled to three other police officers to take him into the torture-room. They wiped him mercilessly and rained blows and thick punches on him. In no time, his face disfigured with dripping blood and wide injuries.

"Enough!" He ordered. "Excuse us!"

The police officer walked in again and the others went out, sitting opposite where Sahil was bleeding.

"Are you ready to confess now, Mr-man?"

"Y...yessss siirrrrr!!!!!" He loudly stammered and choked in his own tears. Someone clearly wrote fear and pain on his whole body.

"So tell me, why did you poison her?"

"At 12, my parents died. They forced me to stay with Aunty Bintu, my father's only sister. She mistreated me and forced me into prostitution. A prostitute of 56-years-old raped at 13-years-old me, and they used me day and night. It was a painful incident I would never forget. They chained me to a bed like a Sallah-ram. I became their sex toy. They forced me to have sex else. I would starve for days and weeks. Young girls were there, so were married and divorced women."

"I stayed there for a year, and soon, I became sick. No one helped me, no one cared. I planned and escaped from that hell... Tired and hungry, I fainted near one hospital and the doctor confirmed it I had the virus. The doctor was a wonderful man. He adopted me when he heard my story and promised to give me a better life... but since that day, I promised to share the virus with any girl that comes my way."

"Zainab insulted me. One day, when I parked my car close to hers. I pretended to be a gentleman but I would never forget the insult and humiliation she gave me that day!..."

"So, was that why you poisoned a human being like yourself?"

"I knew she's highly connected and would do something about it, eventually. So, I snuck into her apartment yesterday and poisoned the drink. I made the matter to be, whatever will hinder a rat from eating sheer butters fruit, it would waste it... I only poisoned the drink... I swear!"

"Why did you take the law into your hands? Ohhh! So you think you're above law because you hold a prominent position in Nigeria, right? You work with Dangote... You think the government can't do anything? Even if you had gone through that, so what? You're a disgrace to humanity!" He spat bitterly at Sahil's face.

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