Chapter 18

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In Lagos.

One Morning, Mum and Dr. Lulu had a sincere, hearty talk.

“Why do I have to be the only one feeling that I’m left behind, thrown away? I feel I’m thrown in a bust-bin like a dirt by the people I call my family. The family I built with my hands.”

“I’m sorry ma, I know it’s not your fault.”

“Please, doctor. Do me this favour... Don’t lie to comfort me. Help me find the truth and find my daughter. Even if my family lies, pretends and stabs me at the back, please tell me the truth, Okay?”

“Okay, ma.” Dr. Lulu replied, not sure if she can meet her expectations. She gulped in her own saliva and nodded her head in agreement.

“Dr. Lulu...” she held her hands. “That situation...was not a situation where I could be sane and all I thought about was Aisha. I might have lost my senses for a while or forever and It’s Aisha. She’s still in my heart right now... Please, get my daughter for me.”

“Sure, I will.” She promised and left her patient to rest for a while.


In Abuja...

Later that evening. Hajia thought about how beautiful it was because she settled our differences and brought us back together again. Just then,

She came to his room, seeing him thinking burdened her heart.

“Are you thinking about her again?”

He looked at her with an emotionless face.

“Mum...” She walked to his bed and sat beside him.

“You see Abdullah, you’re all I’ve got and I love you so much. You’re my only child and I want the best for you in everything. I know you feel pity for Aisha and wish to help her as well, but...”

He looked at her.

“But is that a reason for foolishness?”

“No mum, no.. I just want to take things easy. She’s been through a lot. Marrying her right now might cause more problems. Perhaps why the rush?”

“We’ve got little time to be with Aisha, don’t you know? What if she goes back to her parent, What would you do then? Apart from the fact that I desperately need a grandchild, Don’t tell me you don’t have feelings for Aisha... it’s clearly written all over your face. I’m your mother, remember?”

“Mum, Aisha won’t accept my proposal. She’s not ready for marriage. Stop it, mum, stop pushing me. I feel I’m hurting her already, please. Let’s give her time to heal.”

“Wounds are better treated immediately after injury, son. Tell me, Abdul, what are your plans?”

“What do you mean by plans, mum?”

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“The both of you, aren’t you ready to get married? Who do you have in mind? What if I tell you she’s the girl I want you to marry?”

“What? But why her?”

“Aisha is a good, innocent and well-trained girl. She’s well mannered and beautiful, if not for the unfortunate accident. She’s even better than the girls I wanted to introduce you to. Girls like Aisha are very rare to come by... Yes.”

“Now, I would make a last wish. Both of you have been friends for a couple of months now. Ask her again. Propose to her, she would surely say yes. Marry Aisha and let’s have a beautiful home, okay? We complete each other’s stories.”

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