Chapter 15

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Quick note before the chapter starts. I am seriously thankful for the amount of views and votes i have been getting🥺. Yes the story does have 5 votes but that means the world to me🌍.

Anyway I will not waste your time any more.

Enjoy the chapter~~~~~~


It was the weekend, also the day before her birthday.
Anya was peacefuly sleeping when Becky barged into her room.

Becky: wake up birthday girl!
Anya: Becky! What are you doing? It's 8:00am on a weekend.
Becky: I know but your day begins at 9:00am!
Anya: I am sorry but I am not waking up for another 30min. Besides, Damian is taking me out....
Becky: well I forced him to let me come along. We had a deal that I would stay for 4 hours tops.
Anya: good for you...

Just then Becky pulled her blanket off.

Anya: okay fine I am up!

Anya reluctantly dragged herself out of bed.

Becky: I need you to wash your face, brush your teeth, brush your hair and I will pick out your outfit.
Anya: not in a million years am I wearing what you are picking out!
Becky: aww, why not?
Anya: because last time I looked like a barbie doll.
Becky: uh- you know what fair point.

Anya did as she was instructed. She put on something nice and ate the breakfast her parents left her before they went to work.
She was still eating when Damian arrived.
Becky "greeted" him.

Damian: oh hey Blackbell.
Becky: don't you "hey" me! Do you know what time it is?
Damian: it's 8:45am. I am right on time!
Becky: exactly! You should have arrived 10min earlier! Listen, I need her birthday to be perfect.

Anya saw the two of them fighting.

Damian: I get that you are her best friend, but you were the one who kind of ruined my plans with her.

Becky looked at her watch annoyingly.

Becky: ugh- just come in grass head.

Damian galred at her angrily, but that didn't affect her. He was also caught off guard by Anya.

Damian: h-hi Anya...
Anya: Hello Sy-on!

He was blushing.

Damian: holy crap- she is so cute... pretty... Adorable...wait can't she read my mind! I practically said it out loud! Maybe she was too busy eating. I will look at her.

She was blushing but not as much as him.
When she saw him looking at her she winked at him.

Damian: Aaaaa!

He was red as a tomato and stumbled back in the process.

They left at the scheduled time of Becky's "program".

Damian: so, where do you want to go?
Anya: to the carnival.
Damian: oh I have never been to the carnival.
Anya: what?!
Damiam: what is it?
Anya: you've never been to a carnival?
Damian: uh- yeah?

Anya was in shock.

Anya: Becky please tell me you went!
Becky: I went.... Once?
Anya: wha- you know what that's good enough.

Becky's driver came to pick them up.
Becky st in the front while Anya and Damian sat in the back.

Becky: to the carnival Pete.
Pete: right away Ms. Blackbell.

When they got there, the excitement on Anya's face was visible.

Anya: I am excited!

Anya was running around like a child. She turned around and was smiling at them.
Damian blushed

Becky: jeez Anya is so cute. She almost reminds me of a carefree child.
Damian: yeah.

Anya looked around.

Anya: let's go play the roller-coaster!
Becky : sure.
Damian: I-is that thing even safe.
Becky: what? Don't tell me Damian Desmond is scared.
Damian: o-of course I am not scared!
Becky: prove it Desmond.
Damian: fine!

He stomped over to the ride.
They took a seat. Damian looked like he was about to pass out from fear.

Becky: uh dude, you don't have to ride it if you are scared.
Damian: I am NOT scared.
Becky: I was only joking about challenging you to ride it.
Damian: it's too late to back out now.

Anya held his hand.

Anya: it's okay, Anya will hold sy-on boy's hand incase he is scared.

He was embarrassed to show this side to Anya.

Anya: no need to be embarrassed to show fear.

The ride ended. They got off.

Damian: that wasn't that bad.
Becky: oh please you were the one that was screaming like a little girl.
Damian: was not!
Becky: yes you were.
Damian: was not!
Becky: yes you were.
Anya: stop your childlike fighting and let's go to that one!

She grabbed both thier hands and ran off.

3 hours had passed which meant that Becky had to leave.

Becky: it was part of the deal. Pleasure doing business with you Desmond.
Damian: you too Blackbell.

They shook hands and then she left.

Anya: ooh! I want to win that plushie.

She wrapped her arm around Damian's and dragged him there.

Anya: how much to play?
???: 2 notes.

They took the money and handed her three baseballs.

???: just knock over the bottles.

Anya threw one, two, three, but she failed in knocking them over.

???: tough luck buddy.

He was laughing.

Damian: let me try.

He threw them hard twice but failed.

???: *laughing, I guess the second one is always a failure.

Hearing that made him upset. This was Anya's last straw.

Anya: ya know what hand me it.

She threw it hard enough to break the wooden bottles.
The man stumbled back.

Anya: I'll take the sheep thank you!


It has been hours and they had dinner and now they are sitting in a park that was near the carnival.
They were admiring the veiw when the tired Anya turned to Damian.

Anya: thank you for this day...p
Damian: no problem...

Before he could say anything Anya fell asleep on  his shoulder.

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