Chapter 9

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Damian was walking into the school gate. He was incredibly worried about his family meeting Anya and the news on the press.
When he got there he saw Anya building with the fresh snow a snowman.
Becky was sitting on a bench and Anya was like a kid, on the ground.

Damian: cute.

Anya and Becky noticed Damian.

Anya: Hello sy-on boy!
Becky: greetings Desmond.
Anya: what's with the worried face?

Anya stood up and brushed the snow off of her uniform.

Damian: I assume Becky told you this, remember yesterday when we were in the park. Well there was someone hiding who took a picture of us and it ended up on the press. Now everyone knows that Damian Desmond has a girlfriend.
Becky: what!?
Anya: Becky didn't tell me anything...
Damian: Becky I thought you knew. You know as someone who is constantly after drama.
Becky: I didn't even touch my phone yesterday, because the new season of 'Love in Berlin' was out. And-come to think of it I still have around 20 episodes left. They are pretty long episodes though.
Damian: Becky! Focus!
Becky: Alright you got my attention!
Anya: why are you both panicking? It is not a rumor...
Becky & Damian: how can we not panic!
Becky: do you know what this means.
Anya: what?
Damian: it means that every girl in this school knows.
Becky: And Mr. Desmond who has grass hair is surprisingly popular.
Damian: which means they will attack you. And also, shut up blueberry.
Becky: blueberries aren't even purple.
Damian: when you blend them they are.
Anya: okay guys calm down. I can defend myself. I sent a boy flying-sorry sy-on- on the first day.
Damian: it still doesn't make anything better.

Just then Anya gave him a hug. Since she was short, she was just above his waist.

Anya: a hug to make you feel better.

Damian slowly hugged her back.

Damian: AAAAA- this is bad... She is so small and soft...

How flustered he was was enough to warm him up from the brutal weather.

During lunch time, Anya was walking with a tray of food from the cafeteria. The kitchen in the imperial scholar cafeteria was faced with a few issues so the students had to order from the normal cafeteria.

Two girls approached Anya whose nose was stuck in a book. She looked up at them with an unpleased face.

Anya: can I help you?
Girl 1: yes actually, why not you break up with him.
Anya: break up with who?
Girl 2: Damian you idiot!
Anya: like I'll do that.

Anya started walking away,before the other girl blocked her.

Girl 1: don't you dare walk away! We are not done with you.
Anya: well unfortunately I have to go. Unlike you I have better places to be.

Damian walked up to them.

Damian: what are you doing?
Girl 2: Damian! She spat on me!
Damian: what is up with you and rumors?
Anya: I honestly don't know...
Damian: like I'll believe that. Let's go Anya.

As they where walking, the girl threw her lunch at Anya.
Luckily she was fast enough to dodge it.

Anya: oh sorry I dropped my book.

They had a raging look on there face.
Anya couldn't help but smirk. Damian joined in.

Girl 1: UGH!

They stormed off.

Anya: heh.

After school, Anya went home and changed into something nice. She wore a white dress that goes just below her knees and a long coat.

When she got to Damian's house. She expected it to be lavish but she was surprised to see expensive and fancy it looked. It looked like a palace surrounding by a neatly trimmed hedge and gorgeous flower beds were scattered everywhere.

Damian got out of the mansion. He was wearing a suit.

Anya: don't you look good.
Damian: you look gorgeous too.

Anya blushed.

Damian: my family is waiting inside. We have to go.

Anya waved goodbye to her father.

Damian: the stairs are a bit slipery. Will you be okay?
Anya: I will be fine.

By every step Anya took, the more she felt nervous.

When they went inside, Anya was hit with a wave of warmth.

Anya: the heaters must be on.

She was greeted by a servant who took her coat.

Inside it was even more magestic. Chandeliers of crystal hung high from the ceiling. The walls were elaborately decorated with paintings and vases were one of the finest and the most expensive. It truly looked like cinderella's castle.

Butler: your family awaits in the living room.

Anya turned to Damian.

Anya: what if they don't like me?
Damian: don't worry my mother and brother will adore you. My father.... He is a bit harsh. But he does not matter.

Damian gave her a comforting hug.

Damian: whatever happens I will be there.

Anya took a deep breath.
Damian entered the room first.

Damian: Hello mother and father. Meet Anya.

Anya stepped in.

Anya: pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs. Desmond.
Melinda: oh my, she is gorgeous!
Demitruis: I agree mother.

Anya blushed because she felt shy. Usually, she is very open when she meets new people. This time it's different because she felt pressured to make a good impression.

Donovan: let's just get to the point...

Anya sat beside Damian on a couch opposite to them.

Melinda: so, tell me about yourself.
Anya: uh... I am Anya Forger. I am in the same class as your son.
Melinda: speaking of him. What do you think of him.
Anya: He especially cares about me. Many people who first meet him, think he is quite arrogant . While that is true, when you get to know him. He can be a very sweet person.

Melinda looked at her with admiration.

Demitruis: that is a surprise because he is usually very arrogant even towards.

He looked at his brother whose face says it all.

Donovan: what does your father do for work?


Alright I have to leave you on a cliffhanger cause at this point I am extremely over worked. That is why I won't be posting for a while because I have been invested in this story so I have been working nonstop on it.

Anyway I hope you, myfellow reader, are enjoying the story so far. As soon as I am not burnt-out I will be posting again.


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