Chapter 15

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Ivy Diaz

Its now two days later and I'm currently driving Kai to her first therapy session.

She's got her head up against the window and her arms crossed.

"Kai, you never know...this could be good" I say, trying to get her to think positive.

She scoffs.

I just sigh and turn back to look at the road.

She may have agreed but I honestly just think it's cause I pushed her and she has trouble saying 'no' to me.

But I don't care.

If she has a chance to get help, then I'm going to give it to her.

Even if it doesn't work, it doesn't mean we can't try.

"We're here" I mumble and get out.

When we walk into the building we take a seat and wait until Kai's therapist calls her in.

8 minutes later and I'm watching Kai as she grumpily follows the therapist into a room.

While I wait I go on my phone.

I decide to go to the comment section of the photo I posted of Kai and I and read through them.

There's a few comments saying how we're cute and look like a good couple but then there's the comments from the 'popular' people.

I roll my eyes at their rudeness and click on Jason's comment.

As I'm about to reply to it a door slamming and shouting coming down the hallway startles me.

I look up to see a furious Kai storming down the hall with her fist tightly clenched and a therapist running after her.

"Kai what happe-"

She cuts me off by pushing past my shoulder and walking out of the building.

"What did you say to her?" I ask the lady.

"She got angry at everything I asked"

I sigh, "well thanks for trying I guess" and then I walk off.

"Kai can you please just stop!?" I shout as she walks down the side walk.

"Fuck off Ivy!"


I just stand there and watch as she walks away.

She need to calm down before speaking to me.

Then again, this is my fault.

I pushed her into getting a therapist all because I was worried about her.

I slowly make my way back to the car and start it up.

It takes 20 minutes to get home and when I do I instantly face plant onto my bed and finally let the tears fall.

I don't even know why I'm crying.

As I ugly cry into my pillow I start getting tired and fall asleep, only to wake up at a knocking sound on my window 2 hours and 19 minutes later.


Kai Ramirez

"What do you not like about your father?"


She decides to move onto something else.

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