Chapter 29

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Damien leaned into his chair, listening closely as his secretary ran him through his schedule for the week. There was nothing too serious to do, but he needed to have all the info, just to make sure.

"That's all." She finished finally, looking down at the tablet in her hand to make sure she was right.

When she had confirmed that she was she added again, "That's all for this week, sir."

Damien nodded slightly. Things were looking pretty great so far, and of course it could only be better, but still he needed to make some few changes.

"That reminds me, schedule a few interviews. We need to find a replacement for Mr Carson. We almost lost that Wilder deal because of him, so I need him out of this company."

His secretary nodded, "He claims he didn't know the man was Mr Wilder."

Damien waved it off, "It doesn't matter. Whoever walks into this company and isn't a member of the staff, should be respected. He should have known better. Send him his termination letter as soon as you leave this room."

She quickly nodded, jotting his words down so she wouldn't forget.

Wilder Industries was another company Damien was only too happy, to partner up with and he had the deal right in his grip until a marketing officer had disrespected Grant Wilder by speaking over him and not apologizing when he bumped into him. Damien had almost lost it when the news came to him, and he'd had to apologize profusely to Mr Wilder so he could keep the deal.

Although Mr Wilder's guards had already taken care of Carson by beating him to a pulp, Damien decided that he still needed to fire him. It would be a lesson to others.

He needed serious, dignified people who knew their place in his company and not arrogant ungrateful employees like Carson. Anyway, that was done.

Turning, he dismissed his secretary off, watching as she left his office.

Alone again, he leaned back into his chair, raking his fingers through his hair in exhaustion. He wasn't complete sure why he was feeling so tired all of a sudden. Maybe it was work, or maybe it was the events of the past weeks.

Damien had a feeling that he would never be able to relax completely, or ever feel like he was getting enough rest until all of this was over.

Sighing, he arranged the files on his desk and walked to his wine cabinet. After running his fingers over the bottles, he finally picked out the wine he was searching for. Pouring some of it into a cup, he proceeded to the balcony, allowing the fresh breeze whip past through him.

Damien stared at the wine glass in his hand as he sat on an ottoman, in the balcony of his office and swirling the wine in the glass taking a sip, absentmindedly he studied the intricate designs on the glass cup.

He was trying to focus, maybe he would forget his worried but still his mind was miles away. Ever since the business lunch date with Mr and Mrs Ramon the other day, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about Madison.

Every once in a while he would wonder about the real reason, why she was in this position. He wondered if she would even be willing to talk to him, and with this question unanswered he knew he had to try.

He would never know until he tried.

Making up his mind, he let out a sigh, dipped his hands into his pocket bringing out his phone as he proceeded to dial his private investigator, once again placing the phone to his ear as he waited.

Luckily for him without delaying, Mr Rudiger picked up on the first ring, "Good day, sir."

Damien heard him greet from the other end, as he then asked, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

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