Chapter 25

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Katherine forcefully fluffed her pillow on the bed, for the hundredth time since she woke up.

It was still the early hours of the morning, and so she saw no need to get out of bed and do anything. Readjusting herself on the bed, she pulled the duvet up to her neck as she shut her eyes, and tried not to listen to the soft sound of Damien's light snoring.

She was still quite pissed at him, and she had expected him to do more to prove that he was truly sorry.

She wanted him to beg for her forgiveness, take her out, treat her like the queen she was amongst other things, but instead what did he do? He had gone out drinking and came back so drunk, he could barely stand on his own two feet.

What if she had not been at home to help him inside? It was like he didn't even notice her sulking still, and it hurt her.

Kathrine felt her jaw tic as all these thoughts ran through her mind.

She had come over to his house with the hopes, that he would at least act remorseful and beg for her to forgive him in regards to their last spat, only for her to get to an empty house.

After hours of reading her entertainment magazines and bingeing on her favorite reality shows, she had started to feel bored and irritated. She even felt a little worried, wondering where he was by that time of the night.

Damien stayed out late sometimes, but it was the weekend and he never stayed out this long. So where on earth was he? She was tempted to leave messages for him. But no...

He might start to think she had let him off easily, and that was the least of what she wanted.

She needed him to be aware that it would take a whole lot more than that, to be back in her good books.

She had finally given up when he was still not home by 11PM, and the she had proceeded to send a message, but just as the sms had gone through, the doorbell had rang and she quickly opened up to see a dead drunk Damien supported heavily by his driver.

Katherine had gaped at him in shock.

He never drank this much, so why? After she had ordered the driver to carry him up to his room, following closely behind she had grudgingly laid beside him.

She had wanted to get answers out of him, but his words were so sloppy Kathrine couldn't make them out and after a while of turning and tossing, she had finally fallen asleep.

Now she lay beside him this morning, still very much annoyed at him and waiting for him to awaken.

She had no idea how many minutes or seconds passed as she waited, and at some point yet again, her eyes began to droop as sleep gradually began to take over her.

"Please... don't leave me..."

Startled, Katherine opened her eyes, turning over on the bed to face Damien, as all the sleep from earlier was gone from her eyes. She frowned in confusion when she saw that his eyes were still shut, and he was still fast asleep.

Then what the hell had she heard?

"M-madison..." She heard him gasp again, his voice beginning to break, "I love you, Maddie... I still love you... Don't do this to me."

Her chest tightened in anger, as the words from his mouth resonated in her ears over and over again.

Love... Madison... The same fucking name of that bitch. After he had claimed she meant nothing to him, she was still obviously constant in his heart if he went to the extent of dreaming about her, and at this realization Katherine's fury doubled up a notch.

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