Chapter 19

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"Yes, of course. I look forward to working with you." Damien spoke into the receiver, smiling as he concluded a deal with Antonio Garcia from Antonio Enterprises.

For years he had aimed at making this tough man one of his partners, and after he had delivered the rough draft of his ideas for an ongoing project to the board, they had been so successful that some other companies and tycoons had begun to reach out to him, including Antonio.

As he replaced the receiver, Damien had a wide grin on his face, his first genuine smile in weeks.

Landing this deal would distract him very well, as it would mean that he was to be busy checking through and it would also make him think of something else other than the past that had come back to haunt him.

Checking through his schedule for today and seeing that there wasn't any urgent business to take care of, he decided he would take the rest of the day off to rest and celebrate.

After all this deal, called for some kind of celebration and he was in for one.

He began to put away the files that lay scattered on his desk in the drawer, whistling all the while when the door suddenly swung open, and taken aback his face lifting up, he looked up to see a somewhat furious looking Kathrine storming to his table.

His  secretary Nina, was scurrying behind and trying to stop her.

"S-sir, I tried to tell her I had to inform you first, but s-she..."

He nodded, raising his hand as a sign of dismissal, and waving the young lady off.

When she was gone, shutting the door behind her, he looked back up at Kathrine in confusion.

What was happening? He began to ask himself, parting his lips to say something, but before he could utter a word, Katherine flung a copy of a magazine down at his table, and folded her arms in anger.

Looking closely, Damien saw that the magazine was from an entertainment blog, and right on the front page was himself, and a tearful Madison kneeling at his feet.

Of course, he should have known about this, and since Katherine was a faithful reader of blogs of this kind actually, she would most likely come across it.

More so, even if she wasn't, news traveled fast and somehow she would get to hear about this.

He was a hundred percent sure that the pictures were already plastered all over social media. It was good publicity for the plans he had for the Connors, but bad for the questions he was expected to answer from Katherine.

"What the hell is this? Please explain to me because right now I don't get what's happening." He heard her say, blabbering, and from the look she had on, it was obvious that she was pissed and seething too.

For a moment he deliberated on what to do, and what lie he had to tell her.

On one hand, he didn't feel like he owed her an explanation, but on the other hand, ignoring her would make her suspect even more and if if that happened, he knew she wouldn't stop digging for answers until she found what she was looking for, and he couldn't have that either.

"What? You're not going to say anything now?" She asked again, her voice dangerously low, but he just kept quiet, his mind spinning.

When he still didn't say anything, she scoffed, and then began to say in an outburst, "I knew it! I knew you've been hiding something from me. Right from the event, and how strange you've been acting, I suspected you were hiding something, and I knew it had something to do with her. With this bitch, splattered all over the media with you, so don't you even try to lie to me. Don't lie because I would definitely find the answers, and when I do, it would be bloody for the both of us."

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