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"Parlous" (dire, terrible, dangerous)


It wasn't that the young Bellatrix Hargreeves was angry with Five, in fact, she wasn't even the slightest bit angry anymore, yes she was at first but now she was just hurt, she kept thinking that she had done something to make him like this, but a...

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It wasn't that the young Bellatrix Hargreeves was angry with Five, in fact, she wasn't even the slightest bit angry anymore, yes she was at first but now she was just hurt, she kept thinking that she had done something to make him like this, but as she just kept running through her brain, going through every little memory in much detail, she just couldn't find anything that would make him snap at her. 

'He was probably on his period', Bellatrix kept thinking but each time remembered that he can't physically have one, lucky, she also wondered if had even reached puberty yet. On second thought, she didn't really want the answer.

Little miss nightmare watched as his face morphed into one of hurt and frustration, she didn't have time to deal with his bullshit currently, yes he was getting on her last nerve, yes she was hurt by his action, yes the world was going to shit, was their time to hold grudges? Nope! But knowing Bella she did anyway. Her family most definitely believes that she could hold a grudge till the day the world ends. She was just that type of person. Although Bella didn't drag arguments out, she would usually just distance herself from the person, do anything in her favor to not be alone with them or just not see them at all and lastly, she would make amusing although rather rude sarcastic remarks. Five on the other hand just wanted to apologize, he didn't understand why he snapped, maybe it was the loss of his nephew? Probably not, but that is what he wanted to think. Deep down he knew the real reason why he snapped at her.

He couldn't bare to lose her, to most this would be strange, they would think by doing this he had already lost them. All in all, he loved her, yes it may have only been a couple of days since they met but from the moment they locked eyes he felt a pull within his heart, but it was all going too fast! He hadn't felt anything like this before. Except for Delores but even the fondness he felt for the mannequin couldn't compare to the whirlwind of feelings he had for the demonic... Well, demon. He felt that if he distanced himself from her, made it seem like he wanted nothing to do with her she would be safe. She didn't have to be pulled into all this apocalypse nonsense that was frankly just complete and utter bullshit. There was a chance any of them could die, but if Bellatrix Hargreeves did and Five Hargreeves didn't the boy knew he would not be able to live, without her, the other half of him. His soulmate. His person.

But how wrong he was, no matter what Bellatrix would always be intertwined with danger, she was a demon for god sake. Also in no way possible would she not help her family by trying to save the world. She would be by their side through thick and thin, by his side through life and death. The Hargreeves girl didn't want anyone to try and save her, god she was a grown woman, not physically but still, she could take after herself.

Ben no matter what would always be on Bellatrix's side, they had a sibling/friendship bond people could only wish they had. He wanted to murder that small boy who just keeps getting on his nerves! Yes, that may be a little far but nobody could hurt his sister without getting a consequence. No wonder why people would call him an asshole. He could be called something a thousand times worse but he couldn't care less! Bellatrix would always be his little sister, his best friend, his salt to his pepper. Yes, that may be a little cheesy but it was what he felt, what they both felt.

Bella was so grateful and thankful to have a brother like ben in her life, she didn't know what she would do with herself if he wasn't there, she also made sure to always take care of him too, for example, if Fei called him a dickhole she wouldn't spare a moment before breaking one of her bones, without even lifting a finger.

It seemed five wasn't going to ask again so the rest of the family continued on their plan about saving the universe, the two teenagers hardly talked, only putting their input if needed or asked, they both stared at each other, deep in thought whilst being lost in the eyes of each other, gosh they both hated those sappy romance books where the love interests couldn't get enough of one another's eyes, they always thought that was so unrealistic and strange but now that they found each other they finally understood those books. 

Looking into the eyes of their beloved you can see the life within them, the love, the sadness, the fear, and the whole tornado of colors that explained how they felt. Eyes shared the deepest secrets of the soul and to see such aesthetically beautiful eyes they couldn't help but fall for the other more. Gosh, who knew teenage romance could be so exhilarating?

Slone and Lila both took notice of this, the two also finding love just recently, and noticing the looks in their eyes both smiled happily at the two, they didn't understand the small tiff that was going on between them but regardless they could see the undeniable love between them. The two women were beyond happy, seeing their sister falling in love with the annoying boy. Lila couldn't understand how the sweet little Bella could like him, but she didn't mind as long as he never hurt her. Which he already failed. Successfully! She was sure to get revenge over it soon. And Sloane also being in the early stages of love like Bellatrix as well felt a warmth in her heart. She was happy to see the girl that the whole world was afraid of finding happiness, that was one of her only wishes in life. Sloane didn't wish a lot, or much at all, but in the rare times she did she wished for only two things, for people to just be good, she honestly was so tired as a teen to be a superhero, it was harder than most would think. The second is for Bellatrix to be happy.  

After Viktor and Allison had the big fight, which everyone was truly horrified of, the Umbrellas had never seen anyone of their siblings fight like this, and to be frank, it wasn't right, but alas what could they do if their siblings wouldn't listen to them. The sparrows were a little in shock, when the Umbrella academy first got her the two seemed so close but now it's all gone to shit.

Everyone left their own ways as Bellatrix went into her room for some relaxation before they were going to try and take down the Kugelblitz. 









(mine would probably have to be the harry potter franchise or bohemian rhapsody! i can't decide!)

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