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The year was 1999, a car had come to a screeching halt in front of the world-wide known Hargreeve house, grey and black smoke had come out from the back of the car as bypassers coughed and sent the driver a dirty look. 8 eager children desperately piled out of the car, smiling and enthusiastically whispering about how their father may react to their night rendezvous. 

Suddenly what they had just done dawned on them as Marcus gave the taxi driver some cash and just like that, the car had blended in with the ongoing traffic that the street permanently had. The children began to give each other anxious looks as they could feel themselves become sweaty with nerves and felt like they needed more air to breathe, even though they were already outside with the fresh air. 

Before they knew it the door had been slammed open by a horror-stricken pogo as he quickly ushered the children inside as the monkey perpetually told them to be quiet and go to their rooms. The children were sure to do exactly what he had said as quietly as possible as they crept up the squeaky wooden stairs.

A 10-year-old Bellatrix looked out the window to see the polluted street of New York become lighter as the sun gradually rose, the sky was a hue of yellow and pink as the cars honked at others in the early traffic of dawn.

Marcus cursed under his breath when the kids were met with the hard glare of Reginald when they got to the top. You see last night the children snuck out to a new donut place that had just opened. It was a beautiful and most vibrant aesthetic of a 50s dinner inside but had a brighter visual to it. The children played music on the jukebox as they danced and played games all night. For once they felt like a family, instead of children living in the same house and always competing with each other for their father's approval. Well except for the demon, even if she did the worst thing in the world she would always be an angel in Reginald's eyes.

The owner of the donut shop laughed with the children as she continually gave them sweets, like pastries and cakes, along with milkshakes and soft drinks they had never even thought there was all night. 

"Where were you!" Reginald boomed, "No, never mind! What on earth were you doing all night! Do you know what the public may think! The questions I'll be asked!" his voice boomed through the walls of the manor as Sloane wept and everyone else breathed heavily as they watched their father wide-eyed.

"Father." a voice called as each sibling split sides to show Bellatrix at the end, it looked like she had no worries or fear as she smiled at the old man,

"What?" He asked, a demanding tone laced into his voice.

"Papa, I'm so sorry that we didn't alert you beforehand. It simply slipt our minds." the girl began as everyone looked at her questioning what she was doing. Ben gave her a look but she just ignored it as Reginald raised an eyebrow,

"What are you trying to get at?"

"What I'm trying to see is that we simply wanted to reward you, since you do so much for us. You gave us a home when our mother didn't want us. You trained us to be the best versions of ourselves. You made us real-life superheroes! And I guess we wanted to thank you for buying you a little treat! I am so sorry that we caused you all this stress and worry, I hope you will forgive us." Bellatrix told him, that what she was saying was the complete opposite of what the children had done although, she looked so sincere and truthful that the children were second-guessing themselves.

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