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The plan was ready, the three were going to go to the commission, but Bellatrix had an uneasy feeling. One she only get's when she knows something bad is going to happen.

They were in the hallway as the two explained to the girl what the commission looked like and where its coordinates were. Bellatrix tried to remember all the information as she got the others to hold onto her, and soon they were gone. Like they were never in one of the many hallways in the Hotel Obsidian. The only thing giving a clue to life was the Black and Violet smoke that was slowly subsiding as they all suddenly landed in a very snowy place, "Did she get it wrong?" Lila asked as Bellatrix rolled her eyes, she felt really tired and just wanted to go to bed.

The wind was harsh and icy as they almost got blown off their feet, "I should have made a portal. That would have been easier. Although my portals are mostly if I want to go to a different dimension, universe, or time."

Five and Lila gave her shocked looks, hearing about yet another power as suddenly five spotted a building in the distance. "Look! The Commission." Five stated as all 3 pairs of eyes looked over, 

"You guys said it looked like a bloody triangle!" Bellatrix yelled at them over the wind as Lila laughed,

"It does though."

"Are you blind?" Five hissed.

After many insults being thrown around the three finally made it to the building and were quick to go inside.

"Holy shit." Lila gasped as she looked around at the highly damaged place, everything was broken and there were no signs of life to be seen as Bellatrix raised an eyebrow at them. "I was just here, How long was I bloody gone?" Lila asked as she was trying to wrap her head around everything.

"It seems the grandfather paradox is affecting everything." Five stated as he put the non-damaged briefcase on the floor, "Even places out of time.

Bellatrix couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad had happened as she looked around anxiously, "Not to be a pain guys," she spoke up, "but can we be quick and get back to the hotel?" she asked,

"Are you scared? Don't worry, nothing can happen to you, I'm here." Five stated heroically as Bellatrix rolled her eyes,

"I'm not scared, it- it's just something is terribly wrong." The other two did not understand what she was trying to say, but they didn't even know if she could see the future or anything so they just brushed it away as they walked around.

"Is this possible?" Lila asked, turning her attention back to five about the Commission.

"I stopped tracking what was possible a long time ago." The three went to move forward when all of a sudden, bits of the ceiling came flying down and almost hit them. Five grabbed onto Bellatrix, pulling her back as he shielded her before himself, Bellatrix's lips tugged upwards as she thought how kind that action was, he could have easily helped himself but instead, without thinking, he chose to save her and she could feel her hearting beating fastly. Bellatrix didn't know if that was from almost being squished or the boy who currently had her in his arms.

Maybe a bit of both? Though her mind was heading to the boy. "Are you okay?" He asked as he examined the girl for any injuries, his eyes had suddenly focused on her lips and how kissable they looked at this very moment. He could feel himself just wanting to pull them together as eight stared at the boy's beautiful green eyes.

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