Chapter 11: Bread

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"Try to catch me!" She yelled, running further into the woods.

I smiled. "I'm going to catch you, Collie!" My legs started moving, going faster and faster by the second. The sound of dead autumn leaves crunched beneath my feet as I sprinted towards her. Holy hell she's fast for a human.

My running on two feet turned into running on four, my body beginning morphing into my wolf form. The wind crackled in my ears, the snow below my paws. The smell of her scent trailed behind her as she kept running, not turning back. Once I caught up to her, I jumped, switching back to my human form. My fur had begun to shed while I was running, leaving tufts of black fluffy fur behind me.

I landed on her as we fell together in the snow. Making sure she didn't hit her beautiful skin against the icy, unforgiving snow, I grabbed her in my arms as we fell, doing a 360 move. When I opened my eyes, so did she. We found ourselves inches away from each other, her on top of me. The cold, pale snow melted into the skin of my back, stinging me; however, I ignored it ignorantly as I held my breath. Not once have I ever been so close to someone the way I was right now.

I could smell her curiosity, which made it easier to dissect what she was thinking. "What would happen if.... something between us happened?" Lucky for her, I was starting to question the same thing. What would happen if my lips met hers? These thoughts felt so forbidden, yet so right at the same time.

Before anything did happen, she got up off of me. A nervous chuckle came from her as she tried to ignore whatever tension had begun to form between the two of us. Does she not understand how my heart was calling for her? She smelt so fresh, so natural, so... free real estate.

It's as if the universe had kept her unmarked, reserving her just for me. She's a gift I'd gladly take if given. It was a matter of her feelings though, that I would act upon rather than mine. God forbid I made a move that resulted in her discomfort, I'd never forgive myself. That must be one of my worst fears, right next to the nightmare I had of her.

"So... we should get going now?" She suggested as a giggle left her mouth once more. I nodded, agreeing that it was a good idea. I got up out of the snow, using the tree to my left as stabilization. The sound of a loud gasp made me turn around to make sure Collete was okay.

To my surprise and shock, it wasn't her at all. Sitting behind a tree was a baby fox. I growled at it. "I don't trust you," I conveyed through my growl. It tilted its head, whimpering in fear at my growl. Wow, it was pretty innocent and friendly. The fox looked about my age in human years though, which didn't make much sense. In fox years however, I'd imagine it's still a baby.

"Awww~ So cute!" She cooed, skipping over towards the fox.

"Collie I don't think that's-" I tried to warn her, but she had already bent down, reaching out her hand to let it sniff her. Somehow, the fox accepted, sniffed her, then proceeded to rub its face against the inside of her arm. "... a good idea," I now finished my sentence in a disbelieving whisper.

Wow. She's insane.

It didn't even take seconds for Collie to scope up the little pup in her arms, cradling it as if it were a baby. A smirk formed on my lips. How cute. I couldn't help but chuckle at my thoughts, feeling so flustered that I began to blush.

"I'm going to name you... Baby!" I scoffed at the new name- and the fact that she just named a random fox she found in the woods.

"Real creative," I told her sarcastically. She laughed a little, hesitating for a second before coming up with something else.



"Baby bread,"

"You are not naming the poor thing 'Baby Bread," I reasoned with her. She thought about it, setting the baby fox down. The little creature pranced away gracefully, finding comfort underneath a tree that was rid of snow. The temperature was slowly rising, and the thin snow that blanketed the warm Earth floor was now melting leisurely.

"Alright, fine. Then what do I name him?"

I looked at her puzzled. "Him? How do you know it's a male?"

She smiled. "He told me,"

We both looked over to the fox at the same time. A little butterfly landed on his nose and he smiled cutely at it as it flew away seconds later. I was beginning to question who the true wolf was here because I didn't even know that he was a boy. Yet another giggle came from her as she observed his cuteness. I'm offended.

"I'll name him Baby Bread," She said confidentiality now. Of course she didn't give up.

I watched her going back to the fox, picking him up again.

"Let's go~" She sang out, skipping all the way back home. I wonder where Baby Bread's parent's are.


When I got back inside the cottage I was welcomed by Granny's yelling while Baby Bread dashed around to every corner of the small, cozy structure.

"THERE'S A WOLF INSIDE THE HOUSE!" Granny shouted, clutching a pillow in her hands to shield herself from the small baby. His ears were bigger than the rest of his head, his eyes coming in second place.

"할머니 it's not a wolf, it's Baby Bread," I explained to her.


"Grandmama," Collie started, "It's my pet baby fox,"

Grandma set down the pillow, putting her hand over her heart. "Thank goodness, it's a baby. It doesn't kill, does it?"

"No, he doesn't," She answered Grandma.

An audible sigh was heard from Grandma. "Well then, it looks like there's a new man of the house. He better pitch in on chores!" We all laughed at her statement in unison, Baby Bread stopping to stare at us as we did so.

Questions randomly started to pop up in my head, which made me start to rethink everything.

Why was Baby Bread alone?

Where did he come from?

Why was he here?

This was all a lot to think about, so it was best to just ask him myself later. I wonder though, was it a hybrid too, or just a normal fox?

Judging by the way he acted, he seemed like a hybrid. No "normal" animal does the crap he does. If he was normal, though, then how was I not able to tell he was male? Usually hybrids are the most obviously binary creatures. One question started to ring louder in the back of my head, summoning concern along with it:

What does he want with Collete? 

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