Chapter 10: Nightmares

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A kind smile spread on her face at my words. I wanted to place my hand on her cheek, to feel her skin against mine just to feel the comfort of knowing she's really here. My breathing finally calmed down, passively following out of my lungs, seconds inhaling again. Her breathing was much quieter than mine. She smelt of the woods and cinnamon, a familiar and refreshing scent for someone with a strong nose like me.

Those eyes of hers held a type of magic that I could get lost in easily. Drowning in her beauty, her presence suffocated me. My cheeks felt hotter when I was around her. Her skin was tanned more than it usually looked in the winter, sun kissed even. Her skin was blemish-free besides a couple of marks that I didn't mind since it added on to her uniqueness. All the other girls I've seen have always looked like they've been copied and pasted from one another- but Collie is a natural, different type of beautiful. Her personality shined through it the most.

Before I even thought of the words I wanted to say, something managed to find their way out of my mouth. "Stay with me," I told her, my voice low, and tired; Almost sounding desperate, as if I would die if she didn't. I wouldn't die though, I'd just be useless without her. Love has made me too weak to defend myself. What will I do when it's time for me to take initiative as the Alpha? I'd screw everything up.

She nodded after contemplating whether it was a good idea or not. I could smell her hesitation. I wanted to erase the walls between us, so she wouldn't hesitate with her choice. I wanted her to be comfortable around me, and even though she is, there was still some doubt in the back of her mind. We started off weirdly, this is what we've come to. I'd say it's good progress. The question is, what is the end point of the progress? What was going to become of us in the future? As long as I could hold her tight without a worry in the world that's what matters to me. All of our secrets and fears were left and locked in the closet, that way it was just us. That's all I wanted.

I don't think I'm good enough for her though. Moving over, I gave her some space to lay next to me. I was fine like this, laying close to her. The thought of anything bad happening to her scared me like no other. The thought of her never loving me back the way I secretly did deep down scared me almost as much. If I could get one whole day to prove my love, if that's all I had to do to get her to fully feel comfortable and trust me, then I'd put my blood, sweat, and tears into it. I'll give her everything I got. Seeing her smile is worth more than being an Alpha, more than being alive.

For a moment I forgot about Collete. She was so quiet that it took me a long second for me to come to the realization that she had fallen asleep. With her next to me, I was so comfortable that I'm surprised I didn't doze off midway through thinking. She must've been very comfortable too. A flustered, happy smile appeared on my face. Something about the thought made me happy; something about her made me happier. This feeling... I never wanted it to go away.

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It was chilly at night. I curled up closer to Chan, putting my head on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat was so relaxing, it helped me go to sleep. A comforting feeling runs through my veins, warming up my heart along with the rest of my body. His arm was still around me, holding me close. His breathing filled my ears. Usually, the sound of breathing annoys me. From Chan though, it felt so... different. The sound of his breathing was like being near the fireplace in the middle of winter. When I looked into his eyes, all I saw was life. Our emotions were almost completely in sync, which made our friendship even more special. Whenever I was sad, or had a lot to say, he'd understand without even saying anything. As if he could sense my emotions pulsing through me.


Morning came. I squinted my eyes to see Grandma smiling down at us sleeping next to each other on the couch. Of course she was happy, she was our number #1 biggest fan. I tightly shut my eyes again, refusing to let the rays of sun pierce through the window, making me up. The sound of Chan whimpering again made my eyes actually open without any restraint. I glanced at him as he moved a little. After shifting his position a little, his body then relaxed, and he was still again.

I got up. No point in laying here for too long. Besides, I didn't want to wake him up or bother him. Might as well make breakfast.

Memories of last night replayed in my head. I smiled at them. He made me feel like I was home. He is my home. Around him, I knew I was safe. Grabbing the eggs out of the ice box, I proceeded to make breakfast for the three of us. Grandma sat at the table, noting some things in her Memory Journal. By the time breakfast was prepared, I set out the three plates. Chan had woken up just a minute or two after I set his place down at the table.

I giggled as he stumbled into the kitchen. His hair was a curly mess, and he looked so tired yet rejuvenated at the same time. He gave me a thankful smile, rubbing his eyes. My heart melted for him, he must've been so tired. His nightmare was really bad as far as I could tell, I just hope it wasn't too scary or else he might kidnap me and tie me to his bed so I can never leave his house. That's kind of creepy to think out loud.

That would never happen though. Right? 

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