40| We Made It

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Graysons PoV
I sat in the same seat as yesterday feeling the same hopelessness as the day before and the day before that. It's been a month since everything happened.

"Hey, it's Alana. Your mate, in case you forgot. Seriously, stop acting like a jerk and buy me my strawberries. Your baby wants them too. I love you lots babe!," her melodic voice sounded through the room as I replayed the same voicemail she had left me over and over again.

I in-fact had forgotten to buy her strawberries that day. I had to grovel and beg for her forgiveness because when I turned up empty handed she began to cry. She stayed up late for me, waiting for the strawberries which I hadn't brought.

I ran a hand through my hair as I replayed it not once but twice. I closed my eyes wanting to pretend she was right here next to me. I mean, she is but mentally she's not. It's almost as if I'm grieving someone who isn't even dead. The monitors beeped regularly, continuously reminding me that she's still fighting.

She died that night but thankfully the pack doctor brought her back. She was put on life support and gradually she's fought her way through it since she's now breathing on her own. All that's left now is for her to wake up.

. Isla looks after him all day mostly. Other pack members have offered but I can't trust anyone other than Isla and Zane with my son.

I've had to appoint a new Gamma in place. Upon seeing Olivia die, Noah couldn't handle it; he killed himself.

"Alana," I spoke loudly as my hand reached out to grab hers. "Wake up. You have to fucking wake up. You can't stay like this forever. I need you so you need to wake up."

Because she's in a coma, the doctor said it's likely she won't wake up because she was stabbed with silver multiple times.

Suddenly, her heartbeat on the monitor sped up slightly causing the doctor to come rushing in. I quickly dropped her hand, afraid that I might've done something wrong. He checked her heartbeat using a stethoscope before flashing a light in her eyes. "Keep doing whatever you were doing, Alpha," he spoke. "The Luna is on the edge of waking up."


He said that two days ago and there's still no sign of her waking up. I held Hunter in my arms as we entered her hospital room. "That's your mom," I spoke softly to Hunter as I sat in the familiar chair beside her bed. "She saved you. She protected you when I couldn't." I let out a shaky breath. "You're lucky you got a mom like her."

I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't notice when Alana had slowly opened her eyes. In the corner of my eye, I watched as her fingers moved. I snapped my head up towards her only to see her beautiful brown eyes wide open. I hit the button causing a bunch of doctors to come running in.

Once they had checked her over, they left the room. She stared at me confused for a moment before opening her mouth to speak. "Who are you?"



Two years later

I stared at the breathtakingly beautiful woman in front of me who held the two year old toddler in her arms, attempting to stop the oncoming tantrum from occurring. I sat with the stroller pushing it back and forth trying to soothe the newborn baby.

"Gray, pick the baby up," she said sharply as she turned to look at me.

"Yes ma'am," I complied as if I was a solider. I leaned down and pulled my daughter out of the stroller. "Hello, Aria," I said in baby voice, finally getting the hang of this baby thing.

Once both kids were asleep, we sat beside each other holding hands causing the tingles that'll never get old to run up and down my arm. She rested her head on my shoulder as I fell deep in thought.


"Who are you?," she asked me confused as I walked towards her slowly before halting in my steps.


"I-I don't know who you are...," she trailed off. I swear I could hear a piece of my heart break off. "I'm kidding!," she suddenly exclaimed before outstretching her arms to pull me in a hug. "How could I ever forget you?"

*End Of Flashback*

"I would've carried on a bit longer but you looked like you were gonna cry," she sniggered as she read my mind.

"Stop reading my thoughts," I scolded her. "You don't like it when I do it to you! And I wasn't going to cry!"

"It's okay," she shrugged. "I understand. I did die and maybe me forgetting you might've pushed you over the edge. Stop thinking about it and stressing over what could've happened because we're here now and that's all that matters." She lightly pecked my cheek just as Isla and Zane approached with their kids.

I watched in awe as she spoke to them. Never would I ever have thought that this is where I'd be. If you had told me seven years ago that I'd be here now, I would have laughed in your face and told you to fuck off before I kill you. I never saw myself as a mate or a father or anything other than an Alpha everyone's terrified of but Alana forced me to see that side of myself without even knowing. She made me want to change to become a better person for her.

She filled a part of my soul I always believed would be empty and somehow she healed scars I never knew existed. I guess our story is ending with us madly in love. Our love story is finally complete as we live out the rest of our happily ever after. In the end, it really is till death do us part.

I looked at her realising something with a grin on my face. "We made it, Alana. We finally did it."


The End

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