30| Oh Shit

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Grayson's PoV
Normal wolves would normally have sex then get to know each other while they're expecting their first pup. Me and Alana are different. We're polar opposites. She's always happy and I'm always angry. Whenever I'm with her though, I feel happy for once.

When she asked me to mark her, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I thought she wanted to take things slow. My wolf wasn't helping either. He's been so horny and needy ever since we got her back. It's worse than it was before we let her go. I had to stay away otherwise he would have taken full control and marked her without consent. Truth be told, I needed to mark her. It was more than a want. It was a need.

She's a drug and I'm addicted. As soon as our lips touched, I knew that I'd be addicted. I knew that I couldn't ever let her go again. She's mine and it took me too long to realise that.

I stared down at her sleeping form. She looks so peaceful. I love her. I always have. That night I marked her, I told her I did but it's clear that she doesn't remember. It's been a week since I've marked her and shes not mentioned a word of that.

This past week we've both been healing from things. She's been trying to heal from the death of her parents. I think she just wants to feel normal again. She took her anger out on an animal when we went hunting in our wolf form. I realised that she has so much pent up anger that she's just trying to bottle up. She needed to let it out before someone gets hurt.

The person who caused our crash and who delivered her mothers head to us is still unknown to us. I've not forgotten about it. We've been trying to track them down but we're getting nowhere.

The whole pack now recognise her as their Luna since our scents have mixed together. We're together now like a proper couple.

I watched as she moved around in the bed. Ever since that night she slept in here, she's stayed. Her clothes are taking over my closet something I would've never imagined happening.

Thinking back to when we first met, I made some fucked up decisions. I have no idea why I ever forced her to come here with me, if I didn't have the intention of being with her properly. But if I didn't then, we wouldn't be here right now.

"What are you staring at?," she asked in a sleepy voice. She looked at me. She moved from laying on her back to laying on her side so she was fully facing me.

"The air," I shrugged. She narrowed her eyes at me. "I was just thinking," I revealed.

"I know," she stated. "I was listening."

"I thought you were asleep!," I exclaimed. She smirked and shot a wink at me.

"Just so you know, I did hear you that night," she revealed. "I thought it was a part of a dream because you didn't say anything."

"I thought you didn't remember," I told her.

She gave me a soft smile. "I love you too, Gray." I froze because it's been so long that I've heard someone ever say that to me. I furrowed my face in confusion once I saw the smile from her face disappear.

Alana's PoV
A sharp burning pain from my core made me wipe the smile off my face. Grayson looked at me worriedly. "What's wrong?," he asked, sitting up. Before I could answer, a scream bubbled out from my throat.


It'll be worse this time because I'm marked but not fully mated. His eyes widened as he realised what was happening. The area where my mark rests was burning and stinging. He held me in his arms.

"No," I breathed out shakily. "Hurts."

Him holding me makes the mark sting even more. He quickly let go of me. "I-It burns," I panted out.

"What does?," he asked panicked.

"Mark." He held me once more and moved my hair from my neck. He left light kisses near and on my mark making the pain slightly lessen. After a couple of moments, the pain fired up again. His canines grew, Ice, his wolf, unable to contain himself. He bit down into my mark. I let out a loud moan feeling only pure bliss.

I knew that my scent was driving him crazy. But the fact that he was able to control his wolf amazed me.

He slowly took his teeth out and licked the wound. My whole body was already sweaty. I laid limp in his arms, knowing that the pain will be back. He slowly put me back into the bed and ran into the bathroom. Minutes later, he came back and picked me up bridal style. He carried me into the bathroom and lowered me into the freezing cold bath. He sat on the floor across the bathtub, watching me.

I let out a yelp as another wave of pain hit me. He held his head in his hands as he looked down at the floor. He can't keep biting into my neck because soon that'll stop relieving the pain.

"Gray," I whispered. He looked at me and shuffled towards the bathtub. I held my hand out over the edge, wanting him to hold it. "If you need to go, you can go," I allowed him, knowing that he wouldn't want to leave me alone.

"I'm not leaving you," he said as he lightly kissed my hand.

"My wolfs going crazy," I whimpered.

"Mine too," he revealed.

"I won't be able to keep control of her much longer," I warned him. He nodded his head. He knew that once my wolf takes over control, it'll be up to him to stop her from jumping his bones.

An hour later, I managed to fall asleep.

My whole body feeling like it's on fire woke me up the next day. I slept through the whole day thankfully. It's officially the second day of my heat. I was still in the bathtub and Grayson was still beside me.

I slowly stood up. My legs were going numb. Grayson watched as I got out of the bathtub and paced in front of it. I pulled the tank top off me and took my shorts off. I was too hot. I was left in my bra and panties. They were completely wet and see through but I wasn't going to take those off.

"It's way worse than last time," I told him as I took a deep breath. He stood up from his seat and walked towards me.

I scrunched my face up in frustration. My wolf was demanding control. She wanted to be in the front seat rather than the back seat as usual. At times like this, she's stronger than me.

"Miss me?," my wolf said to Grayson as she broke out. I- well, she- glanced in the mirror and my eyes were glowing yellow. My wolf took complete control over my body.

Oh shit.

This isn't going to end well.

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