21| Come Back

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Graysons PoV
"No," she spoke causing the heavy feeling in my heart to drag me down further. "I can't go through that shit again."

"W-What?," I asked, wanting her to confirm what I was hearing. To say I was shaky would be an understatement. I have no idea if she could tell but I was fucking terrified.

"I can't come back with you," she told me. "I don't believe you've changed and to be honest, I don't want to risk myself in trying to find out."

Hearing those words come out of her mouth made me feel hopeless and trapped like her coming back with me is impossible. "Alana, I don't give a fuck, you're coming with me," I said firmly without thinking, fear of losing her once again overtook my senses.

She let out a sigh and shook her head. "It's better if we just end this now, for good."

"I swear to god, if those words come out of your fucking mouth-."

"-You'll what?," Alana asked, cutting me off causing me to stop talking and realise what I just said. "Kill me? Kidnap me?"

"Just-," I took a deep breath, attempting to to pull myself from my panicked state. "You're coming back with me." She began to shake her head again only for me to let out a low growl, trying to hint that my wolf was getting close to the surface. My eyes kept flickering from brown to yellow as I fought for control. "I'm asking you much nicer than my wolf will if he comes out. You were away for five fucking years and that fucked him up."

"And who's fault was that?," she snapped, making me inwardly flinch from the harshness of her words. "Don't blame me for your mistakes."

"Alana!," I said sharply, getting angry as my voice rose in anger from feeling frustrated with the fight with my wolf and the fight with my mate. "You're coming with me or I will fucking mark you right now!"

"Hey! That's too-," Ace began to say. I turned around and glared at him.

"Both of you just get the fuck out," Alana told them and without another word, they both left, no doubt listening on the other side of the door.

"You do that and I promise you that you'll have lost me forever," she threatened me. I clenched my fists by my sides as I calmed down realising what I had spat out in the midst of my anger. "I wanna speak to your wolf."

"Are you su-," I began to ask causing her to roll her eyes.

"Drop the act and get your wolf out."

"Anything he does is not on me," I warned her. She nodded her head.

Alana's PoV
"Anything he does is not on me," Grayson warned me causing me to nod my head and wave him off. I waited as he closed his eyes and let his wolf take over.

Grayson seems remorseful like he wants change. I understand where he's coming from because if I had a past like his I'd try and figure out where to start with making a change and maybe he's trying to start with me and our relationship.

Seconds later, yellow eyes were staring back at me instead of his brown ones. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, I shut him down.

"I'm not letting her talk to you so don't even bring it up," I spoke, already denying his request that he was bound to make. He hurt my wolf and now I'm not giving him another chance to do it again. Whether it was Grayson or his wolf, it doesn't make a difference to me.

"But she's okay though?," he asked concerned. I rolled my eyes, pushing down the urge to say something sarcastic back.

"You aren't here to talk about her, Ice." He didn't say a word as he waited for me to continue. "I'm not coming back. And you need to understand that and leave."

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