Chapter 13: What Else Can I Do?

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Suddenly, a cactus appeared in front of them all. Isaiah tore his eyes away from (Y/n) and stared at it, while Mirabel and (Y/n) stared at him.

"Oh my gosh. Isa, that is a very serious confession. Okay, get over here. Bring it in." Mirabel opened her arms to embrace Isaiah, but he was still staring at the cactus.

"Isaiah? Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked him, as she approached where Mirabel was standing.

Isaiah: "I just made something unexpected."

He reached out to touch the cactus, and it grew when he did.

Isaiah: "Something sharp. Something new."

Mirabel: "Isa? Uh, this is the part where we..."

Isaiah picked up the cactus and looked at it.

Isaiah: "It's not symmetrical or perfect, but it's beautiful, and it's mine. What else can I do?"

He looked up at (Y/n) and grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him, while Mirabel called out to him.

Mirabel: "Wait! Bring it in, bring it in. Good talk, bring it in, bring it in."

Isaiah: "What else can I do?"

Mirabel: "Let's hug, bring it in bring it in. Free hugs bring it in, bring it in."

Vines grabbed Isaiah and (Y/n) around their waists and lifted them up as Mirabel went to hug Isaiah, but she missed and fell on the ground.

The vines dropped (Y/n) and Isaiah in field of flowers.

Isaiah: "I grow rows and rows of roses. Flor de mayo by the mile."

Isaiah grasped (Y/n)'s hand and twirled her around.


They walked down a section that had flower statues of him in different poses, Isaiah's arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders.

Isaiah: "I make perfect practices poses. So much hides behind my smile."

He wrapped vines around one of the statues and shattered it. Mirabel caught the head of the statue and started freaking out, as (Y/n) laughed at her.


Isaiah: "What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment?"

Isaiah pulled (Y/n) along a wall of flowers by her hand. He ran his hand along the wall of pink flowers, turning them red.

Mirabel: "Do you know where you're going? Whoa!"

She was bombarded with flower petals.


Isaiah ran around his room causing explosions of flower petals, still holding (Y/n)'s hand.

Isaiah: "What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect?"

He leapt onto his bed, and helped (Y/n) climb up as well and she sat down watching him with shock and awe.

Isaiah: "It just needed to be, and they let me be..."

The bed lifted into the air and Isaiah grabbed two vines and made his bed start swinging.

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