Chapter 18

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As Katy and Viv approached the cabin, they heard music, unmistakable loud music. Katy's brows furrowed as she continued nearly dragging her drunk sister to the cabin.

At that time, Katy also noticed someone from the hotel, standing there, calling someone. "Yeah, it's the bridal party, sir." She heard him say over the phone as she moved closer. 

"Did you just say the bridal party?" Katy said walking over to him, still holding on to Vivianne. 

He whipped around, "Are you part of it?" He asked, still holding the phone.

"I'm afraid I am." 

"We've gotten several noise complaints." 

"I can imagine." Katy said, slowly getting pissed, "I'll go and tell them to knock it off." She said to the man. 

He nodded, "Good luck." He said as he walked away. 

The closer Katy got, the louder the music got, and my god was it loud. As she rounded the corner, she noticed a couple of the groomsman, drunk and singing along loudly to the music. 

Groaning Katy brought Vivianne to the porch and sat her down on the steps, "I'll be right back, stay here." She said through gritted teeth, trying to too sound to upset to her sister. 

Vivianne nodded as Katy turned around, straightening her dress and cleared her throat loudly. The men, by now, had noticed her but were still singing loudly and yelled at her whilst waving excitedly. Looking around, she noticed a surprisingly small but incredibly loud speaker standing on the floor next to the men. She simply walked over to it, and turned it off, getting a lot of disappointed shouts from the men. 

She took in a deep breath, "I there anyone of you still sober enough to tell me what in the actual fuck is going on here?" She said looking around, all the men had now gone quiet. 

"Who invited the kill joy?" A man on her right said, and he was about to continue when Katy cut him off.

"This is a five star hotel, not a dingy college bar. Strangely enough, there were several noise complaints." She snapped back at him, sarcasm oozing out of it. Looking around at the group, she noticed that only a few of the men were there. Right now, she only saw Dave, the man who called her a killjoy and another one she didn't know. "What possessed you to think it was okay to play your shit this fucking loud." She all but yelled at them, her voice slowly getting louder. 

Dave looked at her guiltily, "Kitkat..." He started, barely slurring his way through it.

"Don't you dare." Katy said, through gritted teeth, "Now all of you get your asses to your room and hope that they won't kick you out of the hotel." 

Never in her life had she seen Dave this drunk. At this point, she wasn't even sure he'd be able to even get into the cabin on his own.

"What a bossy bitch..." The same man as before exclaimed, "Why don't you make yourself useful sweetheart-"

"Leave," She said, not allowing him to finish, "Leave now, before I get the hotel security." 

Katy didn't know that at that moment, two of the groomsmen were approaching the cabin and heard the commotion. 

"Oh, come on, sweetheart," The same man as before said, standing up and making his way toward her. 

Dread filled her system as she noticed just how tall and just how drunk this man was. Both Dave and the other guy didn't really seem to react as he inched towards her. 

"Wow, hold it there, Jim." Eric said, rushing over to them, "Let me take you to your room, alright?"  He said. Apparently, at least one of the groomsmen was fully sober. "Are you alright?" Eric said, looking at Katy.

"I'm fine," She replied, "Thank you..." 

Eric nodded, "I'll get him to his room." 

Katy nodded as Eric started taking Jim with him. She then noticed that Liam had appeared with him as well. Right now, he was talking to Dave and the last groomsmen as Katy grabbed the portable speaker. 

It was strange, she had never seen Dave this drunk before, but he was clearly in another realm. Looking at the cabin, she noticed that somehow, even over all the commotion, Viv had managed to fall asleep with her head against the railing. 

Looking back at the groomsmen she saw that Liam was doing just fine. She was about to walk over to her sister when Liam's voice rang out from behind her, "Wait." He said, walking over to her with a very drunk Dave leaning on him. "I'll carry her and bring him to their room. Can you stay with him for a moment?" 

Confused, Katy looked at the final groomsmen, now slumped over in his chair. "Sure..." She said with furrowed brows. 

"Just make sure he doesn't run off, I'll be right back, don't worry." He said as he, very gently lifted up her sister and took both her and her fiance inside. 

Katy walked over to the final man and listened to him snore for a moment, as she decided to take off the heels she was wearing. She sat down on the chair next to him, staring up at the stars for a moment, letting her mind run around. 

True to his word, Liam returned quickly, closing the door behind him as he walked over to Katy. 

"Alright, let's get the last one to bed." He said, gently shaking the man, causing him to wake up. "Come on, let's get to bed." He said to the man. 

Now for how drunk he had seemed moments before, the last man seemed to be able to walk pretty well. He nodded, stood up and together with Katy and Liam they started walking back to the hotel's main building. 

"Thank you for watching him." Liam said looking over at her, only slightly supporting the man, "Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine." Katy said, "I was just really confused as to what happened."

Liam sighed, "Jim, that is what happened." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, after he made all of us late, he also insisted on going to the bar and getting wasted. Dave wasn't too enthusiastic about it, but he went along anyway. Eric doesn't really drink, and some of us tried to take it slow, but Jim kept pushing." He said and sighed, "He then produced a very sketchy bottle with no label and said everyone should try his cousin's moonshine. Some of us did..." 

Katy sighed, "And then?"

"At some point, he got himself kicked from the bar, we went back home, and then Andrew was so far gone that Eric and I took him to his room; it seemed like a two-person job. When we got back, we heard the ruckus." 

Katy nodded, sighing. 

"I hope you guys had a better night?" He said, looking at her for a brief moment as they walked into the hotel. 

Katy smiled, "It was fun; some of us went a little hard, but not that hard..."

He chuckled, "You guys didn't have moonshine?" 

Katy shook her head; once they reached the elevator, she pressed the button, calling it down. "On what floor is his room?" 

"I think second." He replied as she pressed the button. 

The elevator ride was quiet, and as they stepped out of the doors, Liam asked him his room number. Somewhat mumbling, he replied; once they were near the room, he pulled out his keycard and Katy, and Liam put him into bed. 

Once the door was closed behind them, they went over to the elevator. "I guess we're the last to go to bed." He said, pressing the call button. 

"I guess so." 

As they stepped into the elevator, Katy pressed the button, and the doors closed. At that point, he chuckled to himself. 

"What are you laughing about?" Katy asked with a furrowed brow. 

"I never realised just how short you are without those heels." 

She turned to look at him, eyebrows now raised, "How much did you drink?"

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