Chapter 11

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Katy nodded staring at the floor, forgetting the fact that Phillip couldn't see her. So neither of them was represented yet...

"Are you still there?" Phillip suddenly said.

"Oh!" Katy said jumping up, "Yeah, Yeah I am. I was just thinking... That's all."

Phillip chuckled, "I can imagine."

For a while, the two of them continued talking, this time about all kinds of subjects. But the news of the divorce stayed in the back of Katy's mind. Did William know already? Would he pounce on it given the chance?

A part of her wanted to ask Phillip if he knew, but then again, she shouldn't even be thinking about work. Instead, they talked until her room service arrived. After that, she spends the rest of the night trying to put it all out of her mind and relax.

But as she lay in bed, it all seeped back in...

Who would represent who?

Could she represent one of them?

This would be a once in a lifetime kind of thing...

But most of all, would William Clark manage to represent either one of them?

Or is he already representing one of them?

Desperately Katy tried to fix the whole in her mind where the thoughts were leaking from, but every time one closed, another opened. After a while, she had managed to turn the stream of thoughts into a soft drip as she drifted off to sleep.

Katy awoke when the first rays of sunlight started peeking through the curtains. She tossed and turned for a moment before finally accepting the fact that she was awake. She sighed as she stared up at the ceiling, turning to her side, she glanced at the clock beside her bed. 6:30 am.

Groaning she ran a hand across her face. It was early, too early, yet she knew she couldn't go back to sleep. Instead, she threw off the blankets and got out of bed. As she stood next to her bed, she reached over to the remote and turned the tv on.

Now she knew she shouldn't be thinking about the Corderoy v. Johnson case, but there was nothing against watching the news and maybe, just maybe they would mention it.

She flipped through the channels for a moment, until she saw their faces. The thing was, however, once she did she decided against watching it. 'I really shouldn't be focussing on this.' She thought as she turned off the tv before heading to the bathroom.

Once she was dressed and ready she headed downstairs, ready for her morning coffee. The rest would probably join her later, she was fine with that.

So now here she was, sitting at the breakfast table, tending to her cup of coffee as she read the news on her phone, carefully avoiding the articles mentioning the divorce.

As she was engrossed in her phone, however, she didn't notice it when someone walked up to her. In fact, she didn't even realise that he had been speaking to her until he repeated himself a little louder.

"Goodmorning Katy."

Katy all but jumped out of her seat at this and immediately looked up, locking eyes with non-other than Dave.

"Oh, shit..." She breathed out, locking her phone, "Goodmorning Dave, I'm sorry, guess I sort of zoned out a bit."

"Gee, I hadn't noticed," Dave said, chuckling as he sat down at the table, "So why are you up so early?"

Katy smiled, "I could ask you the same thing."

"Touche," Dave said, "Viviane woke me up before she went on her morning run, and I couldn't fall back asleep again. Now, why are you here?"

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