Chapter 8

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3 years ago...

Almost shaking with anger, Katy marched into the women's restroom. "I can't believe the gal of the asshole." She said placing her bag on the counter, "Who the fuck does he think he is?" She said to her own reflection as she let out a groan. "Calm down Katy, calm down before you find the sucker and tear him to pieces."

For some time, she stood there, her hands placed on either side of the sink trying to calm herself down. There she had been, her first actual court date, and half an hour late. She'd even told her client to come in half an hour late. Then when she arrived, no one was there... The humiliation... Her own stupidity... Why did she believe the opposing council?

She groaned in frustration once more, she had been lucky that a reprimand and a new court date was all she got. Yet her client would have been luckier with a different lawyer, she thought standing back upright and washing her hands.

Her client had been very upset, visibly upset at that. His client of course knew, had been expecting this all along. Well if he was playing dirty, so was she.

After she dried her hands she inspected herself in the mirror, reapplied some of her lipstick before she headed back out of the restroom and into the hallway. By now her client had already left, yet as she started walking through the hallway she still noticed Clark talking to his client.

"Mr. Clark, can I speak to you for a moment?" She said in a sweet little voice.

Clearly, he was not expecting that, as his head whipped around to meet her gaze. "Ms. Woods, of course." he smiled at her, trying desperately to disguise the surprise in his voice.

"Uh... Would you mind?" He said to his client, before walking around the corner with Katy.

"What the actual fuck, was that?" Katy said, emphasizing the fuck, as soon as they were out of earshot.

"I beg you a pardon?" Clark replied, feigning innocence as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Oh don't you dare weasel your way out of this, you know what you did." Katy said putting her hands in her sides as she stepped closer to him, "Look I don't expect you to apologize, or even acknowledge what you did, but just know, that two can play dirty."

At that William chuckled, "Oh darling," He started in that oh so charming British accent of his, "As they say, all is fair in love and war."

Back to the current day...

"Please tell me you kissed him then and there?" Vivianne said.

Katy chuckled, "I was closer to hitting him actually. But that was our first real encounter."

"And how did it go from there?" Viviane asked, right as Kevin walked back into the room.

"Alright, ladies, which one is the best?" He said rubbing his hands.

"I... Uh..." Vivianne started when Katy spoke up.

"I personally like the creme brulee, but I think my sister here prefers the orange and chocolate." She said taking a final bite from the creme brulee."

At that Vivianne nodded, "Yes, what she said."

"So what will it be?" Kevin replied.

"Is it possible to have half of each?" Vivianne said, with an awkward smile."

"Certainly, madam, if you will just come with me, "Kevin replied, as he lead them out of the kitchen and started making the arrangements. It didn't take them too long, as within the hour Katy and Vivianne were already in their car, driving to the nearest mall.

"Okay, so you've got to tell me the rest of the story," Vivianne said the second Katy started the car.

Katy chuckled, "Alright," She said, pausing for a moment, "So after the last case ended, I didn't run into him for some time. At first, I thought I wouldn't see him again, but then slowly I ran into him more and more.

One time, right before we had a meeting with the judge, he "accidentally" spilt his coffee over me, causing the judge to hold me in contempt of the court." Katy said, letting go of the wheel momentarily to do air quotes.

"How did you know it wasn't an accident?" Vivianne asked.

"It was iced coffee with milk. That man is an absolute coffee snob; he only drinks it black."

Vivianne chuckled, "I mean, it's kind of nice that he didn't want to burn you with his coffee."

"But why add the milk though?"

"Okay, okay, I get it, but come on, there's got to be more..."

"Yeah, I'll get to that." Katy said chuckling, "Later on I tried to pull the coffee trick on him, that's when I learned that he keeps an extra suit in his car. So that didn't work."

Vivianna laughed, "I can't believe you did that."

"I did... After that, some more minor things happened, and then I managed to steal one of his bigger clients at some point. Perhaps not the kindest thing of me to do as well." Katy said.

"Wait, I think I've actually heard him and Dave talk about that..." Vivianne said, "Did you steal away the finance billionaire who was divorcing his trophy wife?"

Katy nodded, "Yup."

"Oh my god, I'm getting to know an entirely different side of you," Vivianne said with a chuckle.

Katy chuckled, "Well, he got me back and at some point, the gift baskets and thank you notes started."

"Wait, what?"

"At one point, I stole one of his clients and sent him a little thank you note. He then upped the game, and when he stole one of mine I received a gift basket."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Vivianne said.

Katy sighed, "That isn't that bad, but he also once put food colouring in my coffee to make my teeth black in front of my client."

At that, Vivianne burst out laughing, "He did what? Oh my god..." 

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