Chapter Thirty-Five

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A clap of thunder vibrated through the library and I jolted awake. The swirling sounds of the storm surrounded the eerie and dark room. 

Shoving myself to my feet, I crept out of the alcove and moved towards the portrait of my mother. I wish I had known her; she seemed like somebody with a kind soul. Another clap of thunder made me flinch away from the windows. A bright light lit up the room and a tapping sound ensued.

I knew I shouldn't investigate the noise, but my curiosity was getting the best of me. 

My footsteps seemed to echo through the cavernous space as I moved slowly towards the large windows that intermittently covered a side of the library. 

Lightning struck again as I reached the window. The tapping didn't stop though. 

On the windowsill was a single black raven. Its beak tapped fervently against the closed window as its iridescent pelt shone with water. It surprised me that I was able to hear the pecking from across the room but then again, in this room, you would be able to hear a pin drop from the opposite end. 

"Nadia, are you in here?" I spun towards the voice and heaved a breath of relief when I saw that it was only Léon. 

Turning back to the window, I looked for the raven, but it was long gone.

"What are you looking for?" Léon's breath fanned my shoulder as he joined me at the window. I shook my head. It was nothing, I was just being paranoid. "Are you sure that there was nothing out there?" I nodded my head and he bobbed his in response. "Alright then, how about we go and find the others?" He smiled at me before turning on his heel and heading for the entrance to the library.

Sparing one last, longing glance at the window, I turned away from it and hurried to catch up with Léon's long legs.


"There you are! I was beginning to get worried that you'd never show up!" I smiled up at Alexandre and engulfed him in a hug. He seemed taken aback by my sudden forwardness but it was quickly pushed aside as he hugged me back. "Is everything okay?" No. I nodded my head yes. When with me was everything ever okay? It wasn't ever. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. Right now it was that my emotions were conflicted with the anniversary being the day after tomorrow. 

I didn't know if I should tell them or if I should hide it. My heart was saying to tell them but my mind was saying to hide it. There was never a good option when it came to matters like this. It felt like either way someone would get hurt, whether it was me or them.

"Are you hungry?" I denied it quickly and headed toward the theater. With the anniversary being just around the corner, all signs of an appetite I had were gone. The date was just too soon; I wasn't ready for it yet. 

"Are you sure? You haven't been eating much lately." Armel's doctor instincts were kicking in as his eyes searched mine. I had to leave before he realized there was so much more at play than me just skipping meals.

"Let the poor girl leave. If she's hungry later she can find something in the fridge to eat." Thank goodness I had a sensible brother. All eyes turned and glared at Valentin but he just shrugged. 

Hiding a smug grin, I left the kitchen and headed toward the theater. If I was going to be stuck in my head all day, why not be stuck in it while watching a movie? I could think of no better escape from the world than a large mound of fuzzy blankets and a movie marathon. No sane person would ever say no to this... ever.


"Quelque chose ne va pas avec elle; elle n'est jamais aussi distante..."
(Something is wrong with her; she's never this distant...)

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