Chapter Five

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My nose was pressed against the tinted glass of the car window as we turned into a gated drive that opened up to a house, no a mansion. The glass fogged white from my breath as I stared, awestruck, at the building.

I had never seen a house so magnificent in all my life. It looked to be three stories and had an elegant gleam to it. In the center of the circle drive, there was a rushing fountain surrounded by flowers. The house itself was built using large, tan blocks and black doors to match the black gable roof. Something about the place seemed familiar as the car slowed to a stop.

The man quickly got out of the car and opened my door, taking my backpack easily over his broad shoulders as he offered me a hand. Glancing at it, I instead used the side of the car to get out and ground myself against his proximity, my fingers tapping on my thigh. The burn on my hand started itching as we made our way up the front step and to the front door where the man knocked, his hard hand causing me to flinch. I noticed his eyes turn to me but I busied myself with looking at the beautiful greenery surrounding the front yard. 

"Bienvenue à la maison, monsieur. Est-ce que c'est la jeune demoiselle ? Elle a l'air tellement adulte." The door opened, causing me to startle before I looked up to see an elderly man, wearing a fitted tuxedo and a pair of posh, white gloves. (Welcome home sir. And is that the young miss? She looks so grown up)

The man with the blonde hair looked down at me and smiled sadly before turning back to the older gentleman. "Oui Papa. Est-ce que Maman est à la maison ?" (Yes Papa. Is Momma home?)

"Oui Gabriel, elle est dans la cuisine" the man smiled at... Gabriel? Yes, I think the man addressed him as Gabriel. After Gabriel nodded, he handed my pack to the man, much to my fear, and smiled before walking into the house and disappearing down a hall. (Yes Gabriel, she is in the kitchen)
"Suivez-moi, s'il vous plaît, mademoiselle" The man started to turn before stopping at my baffled expression. "Ah, yes, you no parlez French, no?" I shook my head at him before he motioned for me to follow him. Quickly, I stepped into the house, afraid of what would happen if I took too long. Sure, everyone had been nice so far, but so had the she-devil and her husband. People change and once you learn that, you know to never push anyone too far.
(Follow me, please, miss) 

The man walked quickly, even for his old age, being careful with my backpack as he glided up a side of the black-marble staircase, his back perfectly straight.


Turning down a corridor, I was greeted with a hall lined with doors every ten feet. 

"Ah, here you are mademoiselle. Dinner will serve soon, someone will fetch toi then." He gave me a smile before handing me my pack and walking off down the hall, the opposite way we had just come. (You)

Taking a breath, I slowly turned the knob and pushed open the door, immediately in awe at the room that greeted me. 
The walls were a light gray and a large bed sat across from a balcony. Behind the bed was a gray and white marble feature wall with gold details. Turning in a slow circle, I tried to grasp the sheer size and, the space this room had. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

"Dîner is ready." I stopped moving my fingers starting to tap. I heard a shuffle and the next thing I knew, a heavy hand was on my shoulder and the gruff voice seemed to take on an annoyed edge, "I said, dinner is ready Nadia." I nodded my head slowly, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to control my breathing. (Dinner)

Just as quickly as the voice had come, it was gone. Only once the person had left did I manage to force myself to take a breath, then another, as my body trembled. He touched me, touched me. I didn't know he was even watching me, I had let my guard down already. I couldn't let it happen again, I didn't know what would happen if I did. Taking deep breaths, I opened one of the adjoining doors at the edge of my room to find an en suite. Quickly entering and closing the door behind me, I searched for anything that I could use to cover my scarring palm. I had forgotten about it in the rush of the last events, but I couldn't let the people see it, not if I didn't want questions to be asked, that is.

Eventually, I found a box of skin-tone band-aids and I quickly pressed one to my hand, relishing the brief moment of tranquility I had in this space. Glancing up, I was startled to see my reflection staring right back at me. I didn't know what I expected in a  bathroom... I guess I just wasn't used to seeing myself. My tight, coils of rich, brown hair were knotted beyond redemption and my black and blue swirled eyes looked like obsidian, no warmth was in them anymore. Not after what I had endured. Shaking my head I knew that I had to find wherever dinner was before they got mad and took it out on me.


"Hercule, why did you take the girl in?! Our sister died with James!" Angry voices shouted over each other and I flinched back, pressing myself against the wall, before beginning to inch away from the door and back towards the stairs.

"Silence !  Est-ce que l'un d'entre vous s'est même rendu compte que Nadia, votre sœur, se tenait juste à côté  de la porte !" (Silence! Did any of you even notice that Nadia, your sister, was standing right by the door!)
All of the voices stopped as the French-speaking man from earlier's voice rose above them all.
"Vous êtes tous très stupides !" (You all are very stupid!)

Quickly, I heard a chair push back and I raced for the stairs but a hand studded with cold metal grabbed my arm first. I looked up through my mane of curls, trying to keep the fear from my eyes, only to see a six-foot-something giant holding my thin arm in his grasp. A whimper escaped my lips as he tugged me into the dining room, a look of remorse on his face as he heard my soft noise. 

As soon as he let go of my arm, I hugged myself.


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