Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My eyes were wide as I stared at the ceiling. The demons of dreams had come out to haunt me again. 

I imagined a clock ticking loudly, ticking down to my doom as I stared. There was no way that my life would have turned around so quickly, not with how hectic my past was... or at least the point after my parent's accident.

There was nothing for me to do but lay in bed, nothing that would help rid me of the demons and dreams that had haunted me for ages. My parents had died because they were dreamers and I knew I would die that way too if I didn't change my ways soon. The thing was, I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried to change my ways, I always dreamt of having a family and happiness and a past that didn't creep around every corner.


When my alarm finally went off I had been up for no less than half an hour. Ever since the upcoming trial sleep had been an elusive beast that I couldn't defeat.

No, I wouldn't think about it now; there were still 29 hours 42 minutes, and 15 seconds until the trial, not that I was counting. The imaginary clock ticked again. Fourteen seconds now.

Sighing, I turned onto my side and clutched Fleur closer to my heart. Even though my alarm had gone off, I just couldn't bring myself to leave the safety of my room. I knew that if I left it, the serenity of my life would crash down, like a bubble popping, and I would be thrust back into the world of terrors.

My back was away from the door as I heard the knob turn and the door creak as it was pushed open. 

"Nadia, belle, it's time to get up." I shut my eyes gently and evened my breathing as Armel's light feet approached the bed. "Come on belle, you're going to be late for school soon if you don't get up." He waited a second longer before sighing and leaving the room, his footsteps fading as the door was shut again.

Smiling to myself, I snuggled further into my bed and went back to sleep. If he wasn't going to force me to go to school, then by all means be my guest.


Firey red hair was facing me as I watched a scene unfurl. The same girl as every other time was standing next to the man, their figures dwarfed by the large structure on fire. The man lifted his hand and placed it gently on the girl's shoulder. She seemed younger here, barely able to stand on her own, yet there she was, facing the mess of a building.

"It's over now Birdy. He'll never find you again." The pair turned slowly away from the wreckage. Tears glistened in the girl's eyes as she glanced over her shoulder a final time at the - what I would imagine was once - a house, before being led away by the man's strong hand.

Time passed quickly and I watched her age, gaining a more severe look in her curves and a more haunted look in her dead green eyes. 

"Birdy, my little girl, I missed you so much!" The girl ran as the man dropped to his knee and opened his arms invitingly. He hugged her tightly before standing and spinning in a circle. "Have you been a good girl while I was gone?" The man set the girl on her feet again and she scuffed the ground with her sock. 

"Yes, Papa." Her haunted eyes looked up to meet his before sinking to the floor again, studying the details of the wood carefully.

The man's focus turned to someone behind the girl. "How was she?"

"The girl only tried to run once, Sir." A breath was sucked in and the girl buried her face behind her curls.

A hand was placed under her chin and her eyes were forced to meet those of the man. "Is this true little girl?"

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