- day six (2) -

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I was so excited for the recoupling.

I'd spent all day with Ikenna, and I was excited to be able to pick him later on and finally be in a couple. I hadn't actually been in a couple at all since I'd started my journey in here.

We won't count the awkward little Jacques thing that I was forced into because it was A) awkward as fuck, B) boring as fuck and C) way too loud because the guy sleeps with his mouth wide open like he's trying to snore to attract flies into it.

The time that id had with Ikenna in the morning felt like it passed by in 30 minutes, not like we'd been talking for 5 literal hours.

We chatted about families, seen as he knew I was buzzing I got to see my brother race in Northampton.

Even if it was a bit pants because he only came 3rd. 3rd was actually a decent result for him this year.

I knew he hated it because he was so competitive and especially loved winning at Silverstone. But the cheers for him whenever he went anywhere made him happy enough, there were like 150,000 people screaming his name each day. It was so amazing to see and I'm so happy I got to experience it again without the pressure of racing myself for once. I could sit back and enjoy it.

Then we chatted about the recoupling.

Both of us taking bets at who was going to pick who.

'Okay. Final guess. I think Gemma and Luca, Tasha and Andrew, Indiyah and Dami, Paige and Jacques are all obvs.' I speak and he nods.

'Agreed. Continue, I wanna hear the juicy ones.'

I chuckle. 'I think, Antigoni from what I've seen is more attracted to Jay than she is to Davide.' Ikenna's eyes widen as he gasped.


My eyes widen.

'Oh shit. You can't say of this to anyone because I don't think I'm supposed to discuss it. But from what I've seen, he's ready to marry her on the spot and she's starting to like him. So if she picks him that leaves Davide and Ekin, and Charlie and Danica. I think Danica might pick Davide though and Ekin will pick Charlie.' I finish my thoughts and Ikenna nods.

'Rah I had it completely different. I need all your secret intel, I don't wanna lose the bet.' He says and I laugh.

'Soz bro, games the game.' I shrug with a huge smirk, finalising my picks.

'But it's gonna depend on who goes first and who they pick. It could go any way.' I tell him and he nods.

'Okay, final picks. I think Ekin and Charlie, Danica and Jay, then Antigoni and Davide.' He speaks and I nod.

Neither of us realising we were both half right.

There was just gonna be hella drama around it.

We all split off to get ready, half of the girls dressing room happy and excited, the other half nervous and not a clue who they were gonna pick.

'Lilah do you think you're gonna pick Ikenna?' Gemma asked me, which I guessed was some sort of try to break the animosity between us.

Which I actually kind if appreciated.

Paige and Tasha hadn't made an effort, and considering Gemma was the teenager, they were the ones acting like petty school girls.

'Yeah, I think he knows though. I was trying to be all coy about it and let him stress.' I sighed dramatically and a couple of the girls chuckled.

'Why's that? How does he know?' Indiyah chuckled and I sighed.

'Because I sort of, kinda, kissed him.'

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