- day three -

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Getting to know Jaques was weird.

Or maybe the situation was weird, since we were practically locked in a room. We had a terrace and a hot tub that could go cold if we wanted to be alone for a little.

But it was still odd and a little unnatural.

He barely spoke about himself.

He told me about how he was a rugby player, 23 and from Cumbria.

He kept mentioning his ex as well.

Referring to her as "her". Like I was supposed to know who she was.

He was very flirty. Very very flirty.

And he kept making me talk about myself. Which I hated.

And then the straw that broke the camels back.

'Isn't F1 and that just for boys though? Can women do it? Like are they allowed? Surely they won't be as fast.'

It was a No from me unfortunately. But I didn't waste the time too much, trying to think who would get along with Jaques in the villa.

He could vibe with Ekin, but I fear she'd eat him alive.

Afia would like him, but I feel like they wouldn't really gel together for some reason.

Amber and Tasha are maybe a bit too shy.

I could see him with Paige, but also he seems like a really cheeky little flirt and Paige deserves better than that so I wasn't sure.

Maybe Indiyah, but then again probably not because he doesn't seem very female empowering, and that's what Indiyah wants.

Or Gemma, but Luca had pretty much claimed her now, kinda ridiculous five days in but hey ho.

So when eventually, we're told we can go back into the villa in the middle of the day, he grabs my hand and walks with me out into the garden.

But we're stopped, he was going on a date with Paige, so I had to go back upstairs.

Where we can watch them from the terrace.

They all quiz me about him, but I don't give them too much.

Just as Gemma gasps.

'Oh my god. No no no no. He's my- that's my ex boyfriend.' I gasp loud I think I've passed out.

'What the fuck?'

'That's my ex boyfriend. I swear down. That's my ex boyfriend.' My jaw drops as she laughs, sucking onto the floor.

I see Luca behind her.

He's bricking it, the rest of us are sat there in shock as we stare between Gemma and the date going on.

It all starts to fall into piece in my head, but I still can't really fathom it or make it make sense.

We try to keep her quiet as we figure out the situation.

'How long was you with him for?'

'Like 8 months.' Gemma answers and my eyes widen.

The math.

The math wasn't mathing.

She's 19, he's 23.

They both said they haven't been any relationships in a year and a half.

Which means that they were both each other's latest relationships.

Obviously he was Gemma's because she was still a child.

But that year and a half put them at 17 and 21, minus the 8 months when they got together officially and add on maybe a month or two when they were talking.

Gemma was 16 and Jaques was 20.

I sit silently, doing the math in my head as I stand at the back with Ikenna and Dami.

Showing them the working out on my phone in the notes section as they both snicker quietly.

'Little bit noncey, I can't lie.'

I mumble, not realising I've said it out loud until Dami and Ikenna run off back into the villa screaming their heads off.

'Shit. That's on national television.' My eyes widen as I delete the math from my phone.

'Retract the math, retract the math.' I mumble to myself, going back inside to fill up my water bottle.

'Stop. I can't look at you or I'll start laughing again.' Ikenna chuckles and I shake my head.

'She could've been 15, I don't know when her birthday is. Like I know age is just a number and that but that starts at a certain age and I feel like that age is not 16. If I told my mum I was dating a 20 year old guy when I was 15/16 I would've got a clip round the ear hole.' I widen my eyes, shaking my head as they burst out laughing again.

'Stop. Stop, please.' Dami chuckles and I put on a strained smile, sitting down on the bed.

The bed that I was sharing with him.

Oh fuck.

I was sharing a bed with a boy.

Last night I went on the sofa in the hideaway.

Thought Jaques might offer to go there instead, and he did.

But in the morning after we'd woken up.

He just went "I could've slept on the sofa you know".

Just the 12 hours too late. No biggie.

Then it's Afias turn to go on a date with him.

And everyone fills Paige in on how he knew Gemma.

She kind of did an "Oh right! Well anyways." Thing and carried on.

I almost laughed.

And then we had to watch the awkward re introduction as she walks at the back of the group as everyone greets him.

- lilah beach hut -

'I don't know about the others but, I actually wanted to crawl into a hole on the floor and never come back out. Like honestly. Am I on Love Island or Ex On the Beach? Or Gemma Island for that matter?' Lilah shook her head, chuckling to herself as she bit her lip. Baffled by the turn the situation had taken.

Turns out I was wrong.

Ekin Su was all over Jaques.

I don't think she was even interested in him. But she just liked the attention from the boys. Especially Jaques because he was new.

I didn't know what I was doing or who I liked.

Davide I was kind of warming to, but I didn't really know why.

I was attracted to Ikenna and I was attracted to Luca a bit. But, I wasn't 100 percent on either one.

I don't know, maybe it was because they were all already coupled up when I came in here, it felt weird trying to talk to any of them.

And I wasn't feeling Jaques I'll be honest. There was a couple of red flags early doors that put me off.

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