Insolent people!

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Izuku's POV:

The moment I saw the red guard I would have loved nothing more than to actually punch this guy for having a crush on Bakugo so he would forget it. He was mine after all. However I knew that Bakugo would actually hate that so I didn't do it.

Me(whispering): ...lucky you......

Katsuki: Izuku... as much as I would love for you to hit him, we have more pressing matters.

Me: Hm? I never said anything about that.

Katsuki: Izuku, the look on the face is enough.

Me: Ah you got me. I just don't like that he has a crush on you, okay?!

I knew that the guard could hear us and I just didn't care at all. As he said we had more pressing matter and so this guard walked us over to this huge hallway. I was sure this was build in a way so that even dragons could walk in their dragon form through this corridors and transform whenever they had too.

It was also my first time looking around the inner palace. I was always staying at his place where he was exiled or stayed there for a long time forgotten and shunt by everyone which was bad enough. I felt sad knowing they put them away because a damn rumor. There was no need for that and it only showed me that I didn't had to show any respect nor anything towards his parents.

Truthfully speaking, I was a king myself and from the ranking, I didn't had to show them any respect since a fae king was above them. I could easily show the true terror if they would force me to do so.

Auntie(laughing): Katsuki, do you remember that one time you knocked into a suit of armour when you were younger?

Katsuki: Auntie, that's not funny...

Me: They look expensive....

In fact everything looked expensive. The whole hallway was decorated in gold and diamonds. For a fae who loved shiny things, it was heaven. I loved this place and it really looked amazing and all but nothing to be compared to my old castle. It was made out of natural crystals and shining.

Redhead: Oh, that's because they're made from precious metals from a volcano far away...

Me: Mh... Still beautiful. You had good craftsman doing this.

I couldn't stop looking at the decoration that I ignored Kacchan and Ms. Uraraka talking together until we finally arrived at a big, no, huge door. It opened up for us and we all got inside the crown room. There we saw the kind and the queen sitting at their thrones.

We all went inside and I could see that Ms. Uraraka immediately went down to her knees like everyone else was paying their respects to them. Kacchan was just bowing but I, I was doing nothing of this sort. I was certainly not letting them think they were superior because truth be told, I was more powerful than any of them.

All it took for me to kill and erase this kingdom was a single word from Kacchan and I would do it. I would establish a new and brighter kingdome for him to rule. One where everyone would be happy and respecting as well as looking up to him and trusting in him. Their only king. This much I was ready to do.

???: Excuse me ma'am! But you are supposed to bow in the King and Queen's presence!!!

Me: Do I look like a woman to you and why should I bow to a king and queen who are weaker than me? You don't even know who you are talking to, you insolent guard.

???: Oh, I am sorry for the assumption, but that doesn't change the fact that you disrespected their highnesses...

Me: Disrespect. How about you? What are you doing to someone which status you don't even know of?

???: I-...I beg your pardon?

Me: Who do you think you are?

???: I am Tenya Iida, head of the third division of royal guards.

I wasn't having it at all. They were all so rude to Kacchan in his past. This was one of the reasons why I didn't see any reasons to bow to them. They didn't deserve my respect at all.

Me: You should learn some manners first too.

Just like that I snapped my fingers and made his fairy come over to me and then made him fall to his knees and bow to me. This was the respect they should have shown to Bakugo, a crown prince to the first place. I didn't care if they were not showing me respect since I knew they were all lizards but they knew Kacchans rank and it was higher than a royal guard.

Iida(strained): Wha-..What have you done to me?!

Me: Teaching you some manners to begin with. (fae language) You are not to aid this dumb lizzard anymore. He is not deserving of your powers.

Queen: Moving on from your companion... Katsuki... Welcome back...

Katsuki: Why am I here old hag?

Queen(Angrily): I am your mother you brat! Show some respect!!

Me(fae language): You, queens companion teach her a lesson to not speak like this to my soulmate!

Fairy(Shocked): Oh, my king!! I am so sorry for her behavior!

Me(fae language): What's your name?

Fairy: My name's Zero, your highness...

Me: Zero, come over here.

I stretched out my hand to welcome the fairy and offered him some of my energy which was more than delicious to them as well as precious. I was ready to reveal who I was and I didn't care what was happening after seeing how rude they all were towards Bakugo.

The fairy looked at the queen and then towards me. He knew what to do and immediately used their power against the queen as well as pulled her hair and jewelry crown from their head, flying towards me with it in their hand as an offering to please me.

I accepted the crown with my other hand and let it sit on my hand bathing in the energy I offered him.

Queen: Who are you?! You with the weirdly green hair!!

Katsuki: That's rude you old hag!! And you speak of respect!!

Me: Why did you even call him here if you don't even want to respect him and don't even talk to him as if he were your son. He died being your son the moment you abandoned him!

Queen(Shocked): Who do you think you are?! I am the queen of this kingdom!!

King: Mitsuki, please calm down...

Me: Me? You were so rude not even to ask that before attacking me. I am Izuku Midoriya and the king of a kingdom as well.

Mitsuki: A king you say? Well how about I have my guards attack your kingdom?

Me: Go on if they can!

That was all I said before every guard and every person including the queen and king except Ms.Uraraka and my mate as well as the faes felt an immense pressure making them collapse to the ground clenching their chest and looking at me. I knew that I had my green lightning strikes around me as I was utilising a lot of energy right now and I could have also opened my wings to look more intimidating but I thought that this would be enough.


I finally had had it with them! My patience which was very thin to be with since I knew Kacchans past as well as how they were treating him. Not only that but Mr. Yagi right there may or may not had dragged me around the place while grabbing my collar and I didn't bothered to react at that time since I knew he was about to drag me to Kacchan but enough was enough. They should now know true terror.

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