I love you!

652 37 8

Bakugo's POV:

How long was I out?

I open my eyes and and got up, rubbing my eys and looking down I saw Izuu, he was sound asleep... was I bothered by this? No, what bothered me was the tear streaks on his cheeks.

Why was he cring?

Did I do something while I was asleep?

Did he cry himself to sleep?

I stopped panicking when he opened his own eyes. He looked around and turned carefully, he avoided touching his wings and curled into me once more.

Me: Are you ok? Did I hurt you?

Izuku: It's fine... I am fine. How was your sleep Kacchan?

Me: It was good, best sleep I've had in a long time, honest.

Izuku (weakly smiling) : I am glad it works in this world too.

I looked at his shoulders, they looked tense. I thought about it before I got an idea, maybe it'll help.

Me: Izuku, can I ask you something?

Izuku: Sure.

Me: Do your shoulders hurt?

Izuku: No. Why are you asking?

Me: Hm, nevermind then, but your wings look nice, and your back is getting less bruised

Izuku: It's healing with time... it just takes a bit....

I got off the bed and stretched, I felt a satisfying pop and exhaled happily.

Me: My birthday's in two days...

Izuku: It will be fine, trust me! I am here for you if you need me.

Me: That's not what I'm worried about...

Izuku: What then?

Me: Your back... it might not be healed by then...

I didn't want him dealing with the people of the castle in his weak state, don't get me wrong he's very strong but the castle people are idiots and will try to establish their place with him.

Izuku: I am not weak Kacchan!

Me: I never said that Izu, I'm just concerned...

Izuku: About what? Do you think I will be a hindrance for you then?

Me: No, never! I just don't like seeing you in pain and the maids of the castle are bitches... they might try to kill you while you're there and I don't want you being harmed.

I took a deep breath and sat down on a chair in the room

Izuku (offended) : Blondie, are you listening to yourself right now? I told you I am not that weak even now I am not weak!

Me: Sorry, I know but I can't help but be worried for you.

Izuku: There is no need for that tho. I am fine.

I turned to him, he gave me a smile.

What are you doing to me Izuku?

Me: I really like when you get like this, it reminds me of how stubborn you can be...

Izuku: Stubborn, me? I am just doing things my way. hihi

Me: Yeah and it ends up with you hurt, Izuku, please, try to at least stay out of trouble.

He placed a hand on his chin and looked like he was thinking.

Izuku: I don't get what you mean!

Me(deadpanned): Izuku, you have no filter.

Izuku: Oh was I supposed to have one? Excuse me your Highness for being this blunt.

I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

Me: I love you too much. Let's go out, Auntie must said she was making soup for lunch.

Izuku (whispering): ... did you... just...

I smiled at him.

Me: Hm? What?

Izuku: Did I hear you right? Please tell me I did!

Me: Izuku.

I held his face in my hands.

Me: I. Love. You.

I kissed him and let him go. He sat there dazed before looking back up at me with tears running down his face.

Me: You're not gonna run away again, right?

Izuku: *sniff* No.... *sniff* I love you too *sniff* Kacchan!

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