A bit of the past!

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Izuku's POV:

I watched the woman as she opened the door and could tell that she was a nice one. However I could also feel the nervousness coming from Kacchan and all I could was hold on tighter. There was really nothing else I could do besides that at all.

Ms. Uraraka: Oh dear come in, come in... You look tired.

Me (whispering): Who's that?

Kacchan(Whispering): An aunt, she was a friend of my mom's

Me (whispering): She seems nice.

Kacchan(Smiling): She is. Let's go in the sun's getting higher and the place will get hot.

I hated to do what I was to do next but only because he was trusting her didn't mean I was. So I decided to put my wings around myself and hide them again. It was the safe bet. Who knows who was in the home after all. She might be nice but what about other people?

Me: Put me down, Kacchan. I can walk too.

Kachhan: Oh, sorry Deku.

He put me down and we both went inside the house, I was sure to use the cape to hide the fact that I just hid my wings again from Kacchan. This time it was not because I didn't trust him. It was because I didn't want to make him worry and I knew the consequences too but once again I just accepted them.

Ms.Uraraka: Oh Katsuki, have you eaten yet?

Kacchan: Umm, no I haven't, we had to get out of there as soon as possible.

Ms.Uraraka: Ok dear, I'll go and get some breakfast for you, how do you feel about salad?

Kacchan: Yes, please.

Me: Salad sounds perfect. Can I help out, somehow?

Ms.Uraraka: Of course, I could use the help, it's been years since anyone's visited...

Me: Huh... why? Don't you have family?

While we came inside, I saw a picture of a young girl and a woman. From what I could tell it was her daughter but it was weird that she said there was no one visiting her.

Ms.Uraraka: Oh that was my daughter, she did some bad things and has been permanently banished, my husband, and everyone else... they died from a disease years ago.

Me: I am sorry for asking. My condolences.

I now really felt bad about asking. I had a bad feeling when she said she was all alone but now... I really felt just bad. Tho it was weird a bit. She did something bad and was banished and there is Kacchan who did nothing and was exiled. I couldn't stop thinking that these two things were connected. Why else would someone be banished. For some reasons I also thought from the pictures that she might be the same age as us.

Me (whispering): Kacchan.... I don't wanna be rude and you don't have to answer but can I ask you something?

Kacchan(looks down): Sure, what's up?

Me (whispering): Do you know her by any chance and is she you know... the reasons for... well the chance of our meeting?

Kacchan: Yeah, that's her daughter, Ochako... also yeah, she's the reason for our meeting. (Smiling smugly)

Me: Oh.

I smiled at Kacchan for a bit before going right where the woman went to the kitchen and started helping her out with cleaning the salad and perhaps make some fairies bring us some fresh fruits too. I may or may not used my powers to make the leaves of the salad be more green and nutreuis. She seemed as if she needed that anyways.

From what I could tell she wasn't wealthy at all and the things she had were all a day or two old. They were not that fresh anymore. It was a miracle they were still good and some things were also way to used than they should be. This woman was making me feel a bit bad and I really wished I or more like we could help her because I could tell that Kacchan liked her too.

Ms.Uraraka: I know this might be a personal question... but are you by chance Katsuki's mate? You don't have t answer, it's just that... he's always been closed off to an extent, but the way he looks at you is just filled with so much love...

Me: I wish I was. He is a great person and I love him but he never actually told me that he loves me back. Tho I can feel a special bond between us. I hope it someday will be more than that... but I can just hope for now, right?

Ms.Uraraka: Well, between you and I, Katsuki is actually shy... he may be an alpha but he doesn't have the balls to confess, the way you just described him seems to tell me that he wants you to confess... he might feel like just asking you will make you uncomfortable and wants you t set the pace.

Me: Awww he is kinda cute tho. I like his side but I also feel the insecurity of being an omega. Between you and me... I am quite darring for an omega. Also... I have a certain situation which doesn't let me freely confess to him.... Tho I told him already that I love him.

Ms.Uraraka(laughs): Dear, if you think you're daring, you should meet his cousin Neito, you both will get along well, by the way, I get what you mean by insecurity, I was actually the one who confessed to my husband... he was always so shy but he always put up a brave face, it was cute...

Me: Oh really now? That sounds like a story.

Ms.Uraraka: It is... you say you want to be Katsuki's mate? If so I can smack some sense into him, if you want.

Me: I do but no need for that thanks. I'll wait for him to be ready. I don't want to pressure him too.

Ms.Uraraka: Hm, you're a good kid. I like you, hope you guys get together soon.

Me: Hope so too. And I hope you will find a new special someone. You know being all alone is kinda lonely, isn't it?

Ms.Uraraka: It is, I was actually planning on traveling after Katsuki got back... I wanted to know that my nephew was ok before I went on my merry way.

Me: Oh please don't. I am sure he will miss you. I can see how much he likes you and is hanging on to you. It feels like he is even seeing you as a mother. Why not try and work in the castle?

Ms.Uraraka: I did work there in the past, I was a scribe, I quit after he got exiled... I felt as if it were my fault... maybe if I had kept Ochako closer that day... maybe he could've been proved innocent...

Me: It's not your fault. Don't take it to heart. You couldn't have known what was about to happen! Let's start over. The past is past after all. There is nothing good coming from hanging on to it. He is back now after all.

Ms.Uraraka: I guess you're right, the feeling will always be there, the most I can do is avoid it from happening again, thanks for this.. Uhm, I don't think I ever got your name.

Me: Izuku. I am Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you officially. Also that's the spirit. You know maybe you can see him as a son you never had and from what I can tell you guys are that close anyways. Just start it over, he will sure love it too.

Ms.Uraraka: Izuku huh? Pretty name, maybe I will, I can get a job as a nurse, my potion making is still in its prime... Izuku... I think Katsuki's hungry, I can hear him whining from here.

Me: Hahaha you are right but don't worry I had these little fellas bring him some snacking fruits while we were chatting. He should be fine for now.

Kacchan: Deku! Talk to your little light bulbs! They're bugging me again!

Me: Or not... Let's finish this up quickly. hahaha

Ms.Uraraka(giggling): You're right, we're finished here anyways, you both are cute together, just saying.

Me: You think so? Thanks.

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