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Scene. (Continue.)

"We need to talk." I say and settle myself on the bed, distancing from My mate.

He gets his upper body laid against the head board of the bed and faces me.
His hand automatically glides over my thigh in comfort.

"What you want to talk about.?" I see his eyes narrow in question when I move my thighs away from his hand. I feel bad for my action of not kissing him on lips. I need to clear the air between us before we proceed further in our relationship.

In the back corner of my mind, I have some doubt.. would he be happy about my pup..?

I glance a look on Liam's face and he has no expression on his face and I sense him talking to his Wolf.

"Eva., Um I must tell you that, Leo and I would never cheat on you. Anna and you are our precious thing that has happened to us. I need you in my life. Leo told me and we are sorry if you feel something we did wrong, but we want you to know our intentions were pure." He sits up straight and face me.

"I know you think I got involved with Elisa, but it's not what happened.
She tried to make a move on me even knowing that I am marked and mate's to you.
So, Leo got angry on her for her cheap moves of her seduction and attacked her.
She was in hospital for a week and her father Alpha Daniel wanted take revenge for Leo's action by threatening our pack as she was heir of the their Crimson Elite Pack." Liam's hands automatically holds mine and I let him.
It's calming when he unconsciously make such gestures of love.
I look in his Blue eyes and I see love in them, only for me.

"So I got threat from Alpha Daniel, about leaving you, and mating with his daughter or go on a pack war, he also threatened that he would destroy my pack, if i didn't agree to his terms.
At that, Leo went crazy in anger, with out you to calm us down and we went to war." His hold on my hand tighten.

"Why didn't you tell me about what's going on, then? I could have helped you." I say as a whisper.

"I felt like you were ignoring my calls. I tried to video call you but you were always at the hospital. I know you get worried over small things, so I just tried to calm my wolf own my own but it didn't work. I just didn't wanted to bother you over my problems." He says and I feel sadness in his reasoning.

I know its all my fault, if I haven't left Liam he wouldn't have went on the war with Crimson Elite Pack.

Liam let's out a needed breath "Leo wanted to run over to your pack and keep you safe. But dad advised me to let you stay there under the safety of Alpha Haden. So I agreed, even though It pained me to stay away from you."

"I am sorry.." I let out a sob and tears run down my face as I know he did this for me.

He moves his head and give me a small kiss on the lips and I let my hands glide over the hook of his neck and he deepens the kiss. I let out a moan In pleasure.

 I let out a moan In pleasure

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