Chapter Thirty-One

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The walk back to the car was made even more awkward thanks to Grayson's escapades during dinner. He'd had the sense to turn off the toy, possibly for fear that it might slip out of me if it was on while I was in motion, but that didn't make my panties any less wet or my pussy any less full.

The engine turned over, and immediately Grayson dug the remote from his pocket. I clicked the safety belt into place as the first vibrations struck and I squeezed my thighs together. Any comfort the respite had provided was gone in an instant. Grayson pulled out of the parking lot without a word and turned into the street.

My back arched away from the seat as the vibrator buzzed against my sensitive, throbbing clit. Each jolt made my body thrum and set my nerves alight. I twisted in my seat, the wide flat belt straining over my chest and biting against my skin. I'd hoped that the hours I'd spent experiencing these sensations might have numbed me to them by the time we were in the car, but Grayson had kept the toy on the mildest setting. Now that the dildo pounded into me with full force, I understood what he meant when he'd said that I hadn't seen him being trigger-happy.

"Grayson!" I cried out as I writhed helplessly. "I can't!"

"It's a short ride home, Kitten. You can take it."

Grayson had far more faith in my control than I did. He drove without urgency, obeying the speed limit and stopping at lights while I moaned and cried out beside him. My toes curled inside my shoes and the blood rushed to my core. Thank God I was sitting down because the sensation left me faint and dizzy. I balled my hands into fists over my dress, drawing the fabric up over my thighs and exposing my drenched underwear. The lace pulsed in time with the motion of the toy, a flimsy barrier that I could have pulled aside to remove the vibrator if I was overwhelmed. Yet, despite the ease with which I could've freed myself from Grayson's power, I couldn't bring myself to shatter our dynamic. Our roleplay. The illusion of being submissive to a master that we embraced in our most intimate moments.

As the wave rolled and churned in the pit of my stomach, I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head to face the window. It was too warm an evening for my breath to mist the glass, but moisture clung to the pane as I gasped and swallowed in gulps of air to fill my aching lungs. The first wave took me as we rounded a corner onto a residential street. My legs stretched until my heels dug deep into the footwell and my body arched like a bow pulled taut. A cry tore through my throat and burst from my parted lips, filling the car with the sound of unbridled ecstasy.

Grayson stepped on the gas and the car lurched forward at increased speed. Remembering himself a moment later, he slowed until he was back within the legal limit and let out a shuddering breath.

"Jesus, baby," he said. "If I didn't think everyone would see, I'd pull over and fuck you right here."

I wished he would. Anything to end the torment of foreplay and to have Grayson inside me. But that decision wasn't mine to make, and Grayson wasn't a man to be rushed into anything, least of all sex. My breath came in ragged heaves. I reached back and clawed at the headrest, my nails scraping loudly over the fabric and catching in the seams. Fireworks exploded behind my closed eyelids.

It was too much.

Usually, Grayson could pull back once he pushed me over the edge. A mortal man had a level of control that a machine couldn't match. Unless he tapped on the remote, there was no chance for me to come back down, no opportunity for my feet to touch the ground after he'd flung me over the precipice. I merely floated there in an ether of pleasure, suspended by the perpetual nature of an orgasm which came ceaselessly. My hands reached for anything that might anchor me to reality. They sought a tether to my sanity. They clutched at the chair, the dashboard, and even me. My nails sank into my thighs and left crescent-shaped welts on my skin which reddened under pressure.

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