Chapter Twelve

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Keeping quiet was easier said than done when Grayson flicked his tongue over my clit. The pleasure rippled through me, and I tilted my head back. My nails dug into the desk. I felt the varnished wood give way to them. I had no doubt there'd be gouges out of the finish once Grayson was done with me.

Grayson hooked my thighs over his shoulders and held them tightly in place. His probing tongue was inescapable, tracing the lines of my womanhood, dipping into my passage before trailing back up and circling my clit. All the while, he bathed me in his warm, delicious breath and hummed a gentle moan which vibrated across my skin. If he thought I could keep my feelings quiet, he was sorely mistaken. I clenched my jaw and clamped my lips together, nevertheless, the sounds slipped through as he fucked me with his tongue. My hips spasmed against his mouth as he ate me out enthusiastically. The torment I felt was clear as I dropped onto my back, writhing in place on the desk under the onslaught. If anything, it made him more determined to have me come, consequences be damned.

"You're so fucking wet," Grayson purred against me. "You need a good hard fuck, don't you?"

"Yes," I gasped. The moment of respite was well received. Lights had popped behind my eyelids with the effort it took to keep a handle on the sounds I'd tried to silence.

Grayson placed his focus on my clit, his tongue slashed against it as he pushed his fingers inside of me. He curled his digits as he penetrated me. My muscles squeezed around them. The only thing that kept me from crying out was moving my hand to my mouth and biting down to gag myself. I whimpered. The pain of my teeth sinking into my skin was an anchor to keep me from breaking under the onslaught of pleasure, but it also added to the experience. The power of his thrusts rocked my body, and the desk creaked in protest. My freed breasts bounced atop the tugged down bra cups and caught Grayson's gaze. A low, satisfied laugh rolled from his lips.

I knew he was getting off on my powerlessness, and it made warmth pool in my belly. A wave was building inside of me. It was the same that I'd felt the first time we'd been together. I knew what it meant, and I both feared and craved it. I knew that, once it crashed through my body, nothing could stop me from making so much noise that everyone in the office would know what we were doing.

Sensing that I was close, Grayson pulled his fingers from my aching, soaking pussy and dipped his tongue back inside, kissing me hungrily and tasting the excitement he'd drawn forth. His fingers dug into my thighs, and I breathed rapidly around my hand, desperately trying to fill my lungs. I was almost there when he pulled away.

On any other night, I'd have been disappointed that Grayson hadn't made me come with his mouth. As it was, I didn't think I could follow his direction to keep myself quiet if he had. Sure, I'd bitten down on my hand which had throbbed between my teeth, but it was a poor excuse for a gag. I couldn't even see anything around the office that we might have used to smother my moans, so how he'd expected me to control myself was beyond me. I laid breathless upon the desk, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I came down from the edge of the precipice. I'd been so close. A few more seconds might have been our undoing. It certainly would've been mine.

A belt buckle clinked, and a zip was tugged downward. I didn't have the strength to pull myself up and watch. I could barely catch my breath, never mind be expected to be in control of my body which was heavy with what almost was; the reward of orgasm that I'd been cruelly denied. Grayson opened a desk drawer. I knew the sound of a condom wrapper when I heard it. Anticipation shivered through me, and a soft moan escaped my lips. I wasn't in control of my hand as it slipped between my legs. My clit was hard and swollen with excitement. As my fingers danced over it, my back arched upward from the desk and I turned my head to the side, my eyes closed as I succumbed to my urges.

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