Chapter Fourteen

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Maybe it hadn't been necessary to slam my bedroom door, but that hadn't stopped me from doing it. I mean, it was my damn house, and if I wanted to get mad about something and make it known to everyone, then no one could stop me.

I could've thrown my water all over Kelly and ordered her out if I'd been so inclined.

I was even madder that I hadn't thought to do as much before I'd hidden upstairs.

At first, I'd thrown myself down on my bed and thought about screaming into my pillow. I resisted the urge, not least because Grayson might have walked in and reconsidered all my claims that I was a functional adult. Instead, I paced back and forth like a caged animal, my shoes slapping relentlessly against my heels as I quietly seethed about the situation.

Sure, it was stupid. I couldn't do anything about the women Grayson had seen before we got together. I couldn't even prevent him from dating people while he was sleeping with me. We'd said that we didn't know what was between us, just that we wanted each other sexually. Nothing about that implied that we were dating or seeing one another exclusively, just that we could fuck whenever we wanted.

Aside from that, I'd been hung up over Trey when I'd arrived home that day. The man that I'd planned to marry and had slept with non-stop while I'd been away at college. I couldn't imagine he was as mad about that as I was about Kelly. I mean, he'd said that when he'd met Trey that he'd known he should be the one with me instead, but Grayson could and did have any woman he wanted so he probably wasn't hung up on the idea of hanging around waiting for me to be single again.

Furiously, I took a quick shower and changed into sweats and a t-shirt. I wasn't in the mood to swim again, nor did I care about looking attractive for Grayson. There was no point if he planned on taking Kelly out for dinner or to a hotel for the night. And, honestly, I didn't really want to touch him after he'd been buried inside her. The very idea made my skin crawl. I considered getting back in the shower because there wasn't water hot enough to make me feel clean after imagining the pair of them together.

It felt like it took forever for Kelly to leave. I heard the front door open before it closed with a bang. Either they'd both gone out together and had just let it drop, or someone had slammed it. Well, it was none of my business. Grayson was a big boy and he and his girlfriend could do whatever they wanted. If he didn't want to sleep with me anymore, then I could take Jenny's advice and move on to Mark. He was probably still interested. He didn't have my number, so he'd not called, but I still had his business card somewhere in my purse.

I hated I stopped pacing to listen to the noises in the house. I couldn't hear anything and, at first, I thought Grayson really had left with Kelly. My heart squeezed painfully in my chest. I dropped onto the edge of my bed; the comforter clutched between my fingers and tears prickling the corners of my eyes. At least if he was out, Grayson wouldn't know that I was upset with him. Nor would he realize I was some possessive child who didn't want to share her toys. Not that he was a toy. I knew that. I just... I didn't like the idea of someone else having him at the same time as me. I should've made it clearer in his office that we should only be with each other until we parted ways, then I wouldn't have to see Kelly's stupid Botox filled face in my house.

The sound of shoes on the stairs broke the silence. Grayson hadn't had the time to take them off before Kelly had ambushed him. That, or he was headed up to tell me they were going to dinner, and I needed to behave while he was gone.

Grayson didn't bother to knock on the door, he just tried the handle which was locked. Even if he'd seen me naked, it didn't give him the right to breach my privacy like that. If I'd felt particularly petty, I might've pointed that out, but it wasn't the biggest issue we needed to face.

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