Author's Note

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading Loving Lyra. The idea for this book came to me at summer camp when we were playing a name game where you put an adjective that starts with the same letter of your name in front of your name so people would remember your name. Ex: Cool Claire, Angelic Alexis, Loving Lyra.

I was standing there in the circle as we went through this game and Lyra spoke up. And I was like wow, that would make a great book title.

So I wrote it.

This book and the character Lyra are in no way based off of the real Lyra other than the shared name, I just wanted to share that fun little story and recognize the inspiration for this book.

Anyways, thank you for reading and keep your eye out for a special bonus chapter I may or may not have in the works. 😉

With Love,

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