Chapter 17

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Macie was very excited for the ball this evening. She told me how she goes every year and she said this year will be even better cause I'll be there. If that doesn't just melt your heart, you probably don't have one.

"Look Lyra!"

I looked over to Macie and she spun around in her new dress letting the skirt lift and spin around her. We had gone to the mall together a few days ago to pick out a dress for her and after careful consideration, she picked this dress which had teal sequins on the skirt. To match, I put her hair half up half down with a teal ribbon and she looked adorable.

But now I had to get ready. Brandon said he'd handle everything for me so I have no clue what I'm wearing and that makes me a little nervous. I know Brandon wouldn't pick anything bad, but what if it doesn't fit?

I left Macie with Mrs. Cook, the housekeeper, and went to the room I had stayed in a few weeks ago.

On the bed laid a garment bag and several boxes. I went to the bag first and unzipped it to reveal a beautiful dark green gown.

It was a v-neck gown with a halter strap and it fit perfectly. Nice and snug, it hugged every curve on my body.

In the boxes were shoes, jewelry, and handbags for me to choose from. Brandon really went all out.

I didn't want to take too much even though I'd be giving it back anyways, but I took a pair of diamond earrings and a bracelet to match along with a pair of stilettos and a silver handbag.

Looking at the time, I saw I had only forty five minutes left to get ready so I rushed to the bathroom to do my hair and fix up my makeup. I'd done that at home before I came because I new Macie would take a while so all I had to do was touch some stuff up.

For my hair, I swept it into a low, messy bun off to the side a little. Satisfied with my hair, I left the bathroom and went to stand in front of the full length mirror.

I was shocked. This wasn't the little bakery owner standing in front of me. This was a beautiful woman who I didn't quite recognize. And I didn't mind. In fact, I liked it. I liked the way I looked. Loved it even.

With a newfound confidence, I went downstairs where Macie and Brandon were waiting for me. Claire was also there and I felt bad for keeping them waiting.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," I said sheepishly as Brandon's eyes scanned my body from head to toe.

"No worries," he told me after clearing his throat a couple of times.

Claire rolled her eyes and went into the elevator. The rest of us followed and went down to where a limousine was waiting.

My jaw dropped. I'd never been in a limousine before.

The driver opened the door and held out a hand to help Claire in. He did the same for Macie and me too.

The interior of the limousine was fancier than I could ever imagine. There were comfy leather seats, but what really impressed me was the full mini bar. It had about every type of alcohol imaginable and even non alcoholic drinks too.

"Want something to drink?" Brandon asked after the limo started moving.

"Oh, no. I'm good. Thanks though."

Brandon smiled and sat back in his seat next to Claire and I was drawn in to a conversation with Macie about our upcoming tea party. It would be an all out event taking place in the living room next week with only VIP guests invited. Mr. Bear, Sprinkles, me, and Brandon. Mr. Bear and Sprinkles were Macie's stuffed animals, but they were very important stuffed animals.

Soon enough, the limo stopped and the driver opened the door. Brandon and Claire got out first with me and Macie following behind. I was momentarily blinded by the flashing cameras, but soon adjusted and pasted a smile on my face like the rest of them had. Even Macie was smiling and waving. She was adorable.

When we were finally inside and away from the flashing cameras, I breathed I sigh of relief.

"Not used to the spotlight?" Claire asked in a mocking tone.

I ignored her and held Macie's hand as we walked into the ballroom. It was beautifully decorated in white and silver. Every table had white roses in the center with silver fairy lights. It was truly magical.

Brandon led us to a table at the front of the room. It was the only table with five chairs instead of either six or eight. Brandon pulled out a seat for Claire and I did the same for Macie before sitting next to her. There was still one remaining seat left open.

I was about to ask who it was for when my question was answered by Hailey sweeping into the ballroom and taking the seat to my left.

"Lyra," she said. "It's been too long."

I giggled and gave Hailey a hug. As much as I hated to admit it, I missed her. That's why I don't like getting attached to people because when they leave, which they always do, I miss them like crazy.

"What about me Aunt Hailey?" Macie exclaimed, standing up in her chair.

"Well of course I missed you Macie Bear!"

Hailey stood up and gave Macie a hug. Claire cleared her throat and gave a pointed look at Macie.

"Macie sweetie, can you sit in your chair please?" I asked.

Macie nodded and plopped back down into her chair.

Brandon and Hailey went off to talk to some family friends so I was left with Macie and Claire.

"Can we dance Lyra?" Macie asked, getting out of her chair.

"Of course."

I took Macie's hand and spun her around as she giggled. We were having fun until Claire cleared her throat again.

"Yes?" I asked. What was her problem this time?

"It is not appropriate to dance until guests are done arriving," she said.

I glanced around the packed ballroom. No one was even looking this way. "Why not?"

"It just-" Claire was cut off by Brandon coming up.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Oh, well Macie wanted to dance," she said. I was sure Brandon would agree with me on this one, "but Lyra didn't think it was appropriate."


"I never-"

"Of course she can dance," Brandon said, cutting me off. "In fact, why don't you come dance with me right now."

Brandon pulled Macie into his arms and went out to the dance floor. Claire smirked at me and walked away.

I can't believe Brandon thought I wouldn't let Macie dance. And I can't believe Claire lied like that. No wait, that I can believe. But it still hurt.

Feeling defeated, I went to the bathroom to get away for a moment. I pretended to be touching up my makeup, but I was really just stalling going back there. Because I thought if I saw Brandon, I might cry.

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