Chapter 8

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I hate holidays. That tends to happen when you spend every single one alone. But there's one day that I hate more than all of the others; my birthday. The day my parents decided they didn't want me. The day the world screwed me over. The day I was left outside the fire department for three hours before anyone found me.


I really hate my birthday. So much so that I usually close down the shop and stay in bed all day. Which is exactly what I'm planning on doing today.

I already texted Brandon to give him a few days notice and he said it was fine. I left out the detail that it was my birthday and just said I had something important to do that I couldn't get out of. Luckily, he didn't ask questions, just told me to have a good day.

Of course, I didn't sleep in on my one day off, I woke up even earlier than I usually do. Because that makes total sense. It's like my body wants me to be as miserable as possible.

On a normal day I would get up and eat breakfast, but today I just rolled over and bundled up in my blankets. I flicked on the tv and spent a couple hours watching reality tv. I like watching the fights they always seem to get into; it makes me laugh. But not today. Today I just vaguely smiled.

I watched three episodes of Below Deck before my doorbell rang. I was going to leave it and just let whoever was there go away, but the bell rang again so with a groan, I got out of bed and padded to the door.

I looked a mess in my pajamas and messy bun, but I opened the door anyways and immediately regretted it when I saw Brandon and Macie standing there.

"Happy birthday!" They shouted.

I stepped aside to let them in, still in shock. "How did you..."

"I know people," Brandon explained. "You don't really think we'd miss your birthday do you?"

A tear rolled down my cheek before I could stop it, but I was quick to wipe it away. Apparently not quick enough though because a look of concern came over Brandon's face.

He walked over to me and wiped away another stray tear. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I just shook my head. I was feeling too much to answer.

"Hey Macie, why don't you go downstairs and bring our surprise up," Brandon suggested. Once she was gone, he led me over to the couch and sat down.

"What's wrong?"

"I've never had anyone celebrate my birthday before," I whispered.

"Really?" Brandon was shocked.

I shrugged. "People don't really care about birthdays in the foster system." I chuckled, but it was cold and dark, not something I was used to.

Brandon immediately wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "You have us now."

I melted like butter in his arms and all felt right in the world. I felt safe and important, like I actually mattered.

More tears rolled down my cheeks, but this time I let them. These are my people, I have people. How amazing is that?

There was a thud against the door and I rushed over to open in. Macie was standing there with a huge box in her arms. I took it from her and saw her smiling up at me. "We made it ourselves," she told me.

I set the box down on the counter and opened it to reveal a cake that said Happy Birthday Lyra.

The tears that had just dried up were now rolling down my cheeks again. Was it the prettiest cake? No. Was it the neatest? No. But was it given with love? Yes, and that is more than I could ever ask for.

I pulled Macie into my arms and gave her a big hug. "Thank you Macie, I love it."

"Of course you do. I made it," she said, making me and Brandon laugh. It was just what I needed right then. "So are we going to eat this cake or not?"

"Yes, we are," I told her and put her down so I could cut the cake. But before I could, Brandon stopped me. He pulled a pack of candles out of his pocket and put some in the cake.

"I think twenty-seven candles might be a fire hazard so I'm going to combine it and do nine. Sound good?" Brandon asked.

"Sounds great."

Brandon and Macie sang me Happy Birthday and at the end told me to make a wish. I closed my eyes and blew out the candle, making the one wish I could think of. The one thing I've always wanted more than anything else.

"What did you wish for?" Macie asked me.

"I can't tell you."

She was bummed out, but understood. The rules of wish making were not to be messed with.

Brandon took the knife and cut the cake. He gave each of us a pretty big slice, but I wasn't complaining. I love cake.

"Do you like it?" Macie asked hopefully.

"I love it," I told her and she squealed with excitement.

She really had made a great cake. She got all of the proportions right and the baking, now she just needs to work on decorating. But for a four year old, this is truly amazing.

Brandon and Macie stayed after cake to play and watch movies. I asked Brandon if he had to go to work, but he had taken the day off. Just for me.

I had a smile on my face the whole day. For the first time in my life, my birthday was a day of celebration, not one of anguish. It felt good. Better than good. Great. Amazing. Wonderful.

And it was all because of this little family that walked into my life a few weeks ago.

Before I could cry again, I pulled Macie into my arms  and gave her a hug. It was getting close to her nap time so she just snuggled in and yawned.

"Thank you for this," I told Brandon once Macie was asleep.

"Of course," he said. "And thank you. You mean the world to Macie and I couldn't be more grateful. She's never had a mother figure in her life and I think she looks at you that way. I'm glad. You're an excellent role model for her and she really looks up to you."

Now I was crying again. That meant the world to me. Brandon probably doesn't even know what he just did for me, but it's the best thing anyone ever has. He gave me a family. The one thing I've always wanted.

It may not be real, but it means everything to me. I love Macie and I'm so happy she wandered into my shop. She's like my little ball of sunshine and I can't imagine my life without her.

Brandon gathered Macie into his arms and gave her a kiss on the head. "Happy birthday Lyra," he whispered, so as not to wake up his sleeping daughter.

"Thank you," I whispered back. "It's the best I've ever had."

Brandon smiled at me one more time before taking Macie home.

And the next time I said "thank you," it was to whoever sent me my guardian angels; Brandon and Macie.

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